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Tw: implied death

Sitting in front of the TV, Bill shoveled popcorn into his mouth, while Will continued sewing the doll he was making. "I'm afraid your services won't be required here, sir. My men have-" "Your men suck! I've seen prettier, anyhow." Bill heckled, Will smacking him upside the head. "Cut it out, don't compare everything to that show of yours." Bill squinted at Will, his mouth forming a cartoonish frown.

"Wenk wenk wenk wenk?" The Ducktecktive said er-, quacked, as Bill laughed. "He sounds like Gunter from adventure time." "Stop it!!" Will whined, Bill laughing harder. "That duck is a genius and way better than Gunter!" "That duck isn't a genius, he just happens to be able to find clues easier. He is, like, two feet tall. I dunno how tall ducks are." Bill remarked, as Will rolled his eyes. "Bet I could be a better detective anyway." "Uh-huh, sure. Hey, tell that angel friend of yours I said hey." Bill paled, looking around nervously. "W-what do you mean? What-What angel friend?" "Exactly. You're trying to seem like you're the short haired sibling from that show you don't shut up about. You try too hard." "Dean? And Christ, Will, for someone who's 11, you sure do like to analyze my personality a lot." Will shrugged, wiping the side of his cheek off. "Do you smell toothpaste?" Bill wondered to no one in particular, as Soos came running in. "Hey dudes! You'll never guess what I found!" The Pines siblings gasped, both yelling out different things.



"A dead body!"

"A- Bill, what?"

Bill sheepishly smiled, as Soos pointed to the hallway. "I was cleaning up around here when I found this secret door, hidden behind the wallpaper. It's crazy-bonkers creepy." Pushing the door open, the light from the hallway, (which wasn't much) revealed a bunch of statues. Walking through the room, Bill marveled at the funny statues, the creepiness they gave off both enticing and scaring him. He pulled out a flashlight, shining it at other statues. Will touched one, audibly gasping at the feeling, a smooth, soft, and life-like feeling. "They're so life-like."

Bill pointed at one, a smirk on his face. "Not this one! This one's-"

"Hello!" Aaron, who seemingly popped out of nowhere, just as Bill smacked the crap out of him with the flashlight.

After Aaron got back up and Bill apologized thirty times and counting, he gestured to the statues. "The Gravity Falls Wax museum. One of the most popular attractions until 1997."

"What happened in 1997?" Will asked, confused.

"Isn't that a year before I was born? Or at some point, I guess, the period I was-Never mind I don't want to think about that." Bill started, quickly shooting himself down.

"The two are unrelated. But, I did have to close down for a while after a big blowout happened. Knocked power out everywhere. Almost had to use these suckers for heat." Aaron explained, gesturing to the one beside him. "I've got 'em all! Gengis Khan, Sherlock Holmes," "Not the BBC one.." Bill muttered under his breath. "Some, I dunno, uh, goblin dude from the gremlin movies?" Aaron continued. Bill shivered, looking around . "Anyone else get the chills all of a sudden?" Aaron suddenly groaned incredibly loudly, staring at a pile of wax. "Not Abraham Lincoln! Who left the blinds open??" He narrowed his eyes at one particular wax figure, neither Pines sibling recognizing who exactly it was. "Can you even fix a wax figure??" He wondered aloud, as Will walked over. "Cheer up Aaron! I can make a new one!" Aaron looked at Will skeptically, not that he doubted Will but that he wasn't exactly sure whether or not it was safe to let a child play with wax. "Are you sure?" he glanced at Bill, who shrugged and nodded. "I mean, he does have a glue gun on him somewhere. I'm the sewing machine, he's the arts and crafts." Aaron shrugged. "Alright. But if you get hurt once, I'm shutting the whole thing down."

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