𖤓 - love shot

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Narumi was trying to locate hachi inside the big first division base, asking everyone if they'd seen pinkie pie which they could only respond with no because they weren't actually sure who that was. The truth is, narumi didn't even remember her name after 3 weeks of her stay there that's why he resulted in calling her that my little pony nickname because of her hair.

"Hey! Did you see pinkie pie anywhere?" Narumi entered the training room to be met by shinonome who was running the treadmill, she stopped and turned towards her captain "Do you mean hachi, captain? I think she was in the showers" Shinonome said as narumi hurriedly left to go to hachi, forgetting that she was in the women's showers.

"Pinkie pie!" Narumi shouted for her as he entered the shower room, good thing no other women were there or he would've gotten reported and hachi was thankfully decent when he arrived. "Narumi? Are you a pervert or something?" Hachi had water dripping from her pink hair strands, her face a bit flushed because of the hot shower, and a white tank top tightly hugging her torso paired with black sweatpants.

"I- Uhm.." Narumi stammered as he gawked at her, looking her up and down before turning away, his cheeks were dusted a light red hue, making the girl chuckle a bit.

"You really are a pervert, captain."

Hachi laughed as she got up and dried her hair with a towel, narumi avoided eye-contact with her and remained silent by the door frame. "Anyways, it's hachi, captain. Please don't forget again." She reminded, knowing that he didn't even bother to memorize her name as she stood up from the bench, and walked towards him. "Now, why were you trying to find me?" Looking up at him with her brow raised as he cleared his throat to speak.

"I wanted to call you for a shooting match.."

Narumi replied, turning his head towards the girl as she wore a sinister smirk and crossed her arms while looking up at him. She was considered a good shot, an incredible shot even, narumi was unaware of that though like many things about the pinkette. "Okay, Let's go?" She innocently smiled at narumi before walking past him, not even bothering to change out of her sweatpants as she left the boy in awe in the shower room.

"Captain, are you crying~?"

Hachi teased, gazing at narumi who sulked in the corner. She kept beating him over and over and over and he still can't accept the defeat and embarrassment. He couldn't even admit that she was in fact a better shooter than him. "Wanna go again?" "Definitely! I'll beat you this time.."

Narumi picked up his gun once more, determined to be much more dominant than hachi as she seemed unbothered by his firey gaze. The pinkette picked up her gun, giving narumi a closed-eyed smile before shooting directly into the target with a loud bang. "Oops" She let out, making narumi's mouth hang agape as he blinked at her for a few seconds before snapping out of it. "Tsk just watch me!" Narumi prepared to shoot, gritting his teeth as he squeezed the trigger, taking a few seconds before shooting with a bang.


Hachi put a hand over her mouth to stifle her laughter as narumi's eye twitched in annoyance. His shot was awfully wrong, it was quite far from the target so that means hachi won once again. "Shut up! That doesn't mean anything at all!" Narumi retorted, putting down the gun as he turned away from the girl. He crossed his arms and hachi saw that he was pouting. It made her chuckle a bit because of how childish he was.

"Aww are you having a tantrum like a baby, captain?" Hachi joked as she put down her gun and walked towards narumi, swinging her arm around his shoulder and pulling him down to her height as she leaned into his ear. "Don't worry, you did great, captain. Not greater than me though~" She teased, whispering in his ear as narumi clicked his tongue and pulled his face away, evident bright blush dusting over his cheeks as he looked away from her.

"Stop tempting me, shinomiya."

He muttered, covering his face as he inched away from the girl. Hachi stiffened at the sudden image of her captain being all flustered, it was kinda cute that he could get so adorable after being such a sore loser.

"Are you getting shy?" "What?! No way!"

Hachi laughed at the way narumi was stumbling over his words as he could only grit his teeth in annoyance while the girl beside him teased him relentlessly. "Okay, I'm done! I swear!" She put both of her hands up as a sign of retreat, finally getting narumi to look at her while still having blush on his cheeks and a pout on his lips.

"I'm sorry, hm? Wanna go again?" "Mhm..Okay"

As they got ready to shoot once more, they squeezed the trigger and shot in unison, followed by a loud bang. They looked at one another's targets and narumi let out a loud gasp. "Eh?" "Ha! You missed!"

Narumi announced while he cackled and pointed at her face to mock her loss, an irk mark appeared on hachi's forehead as he continued to mock her for missing. "Yeah yeah, you won" She said, putting down her gun and held back on cursing him out. "I won, You lost! HAHAHAHA!" He annoyingly repeated, as if he didn't lose 9 times a row.

"Yes yes, you won" She forced a smile, rolling her eyes playfully while narumi continued to celebrate his first win against her in a shooting match. Narumi boasted even more when shinonome and the others showed up, it was like he couldn't stop talking about his inevitable victory. Receiving words of praise from the other officers and the platoon leaders as shinonome went to hachi's side.

"You're gonna tell him you let him win, right?"

She whispered to hachi in a hush tone so narumi doesn't hear, the platoon leader knows that the eldest shinomiya has incredible aim and it's impossible that she coincidentally just lost at the last round. The pinkette just let out a contented sigh and shook her head at shinonome. "Let him have this one, he's so adorably annoying" Hachi whispered to the platoon leader as she wore a small smile, shinonome just blinked at her for a few seconds before shifting her eyes back to the captain who is somehow still making it known that he's won against the shinomiya.

"Hey shinonome! I won against her!" Narumi yelled, pointing at hachi as the pinkette just scratched her nape awkwardly. The platoon leader stiffled a laugh whilst hachi flashed the captain an annoyed smile, her vein was about to pop as narumi continued to annoy her about his win.

"Stop pushing it, captain." "Nope, I'll tell everyone!

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Hellooo! Sorry late update, I got sick 😭 anyways, what do y'all think of this chapter? It's kinda short and focuses around just narumi and hachi, I promise I'll make it better next chapter huhu 😔👊

Don't forget to vote, comment, and enjoy!

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