𖤓 - wonderful nothing

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Pushing narumi's head off her shoulder and aggressively waking up the boy. His eyes shot open as he groaned a bit before heaving a long yawn, they took a break after their 5 hour training session and hachi randomly found narumi sleeping on her shoulder for about 10 whole minutes.

The duo were now 20 years old, but they still acted as if they were still 15 with how unserious they were with each other, it was mostly narumi though. Training and fighting was part of their daily routine, along with spitting rude comments in each other's faces.

"Just rest with me, you know you want to~" Smirking as he spoke, resulting in ticking the pinkette off whilst she stood up from the cold pavement they sat on. "You flatter yourself, captain." Stretching her sore limbs with her brows furrowed and her jaw clenched, 5 hours of no breaks while training with the strongest of the first division was no joke and hachi was sure he'd be able to split her in two if she wasn't so quick with her movements.

It's been a total of 3 years since her transfer to this beautiful hell's scape that they call the first division base, and she's been cursed to deal with the human incarnation of the devil himself every single day since they were 17 years old.

Narumi wouldn't admit it, but he enjoyed her presence more than what others would assume with how much he lessens his screentime to spend time with her- even if it's just mercilessly training with her for 5 to 8 hours max.

He knows that she loathes him with a burning passion because of the mix of him being a strong and childish captain, but he just shrugs it off with a "she has a crush on me" which leads him to getting beat up by the girl.

If you were to ask how she was, hachi would just answer with miserable as per usual because of her piece of shit captain. Being the rule follower and serious one in the duo, she's the one they call to handle narumi whenever he caused trouble.

The two didn't necessarily get along, they were physically and verbally holding a knife against each other's necks yet they acted as if they were the closest of friends at times when it mattered.

"Despite losing, you act as if you've won. Just how big can your head get, captain?" Hachi flashed him an annoyed fake-smile, the irk mark evident on the side of her forehead made him let out a laugh. "Don't get your panties in a twist, pinky~ I'm just in a good mood today so I let you win, I'm obviously stronger than you without question." Narumi shrugged with a smug smile, pissing the girl off even more and he knew exactly how to push her buttons- it always worked.

"Excuse you? Wait, you know what? I don't care anymore, say whatever you want." Raising her arms in defeat as she turned away from him with a disgruntled face, quickly retrieving her towel from the ground before walking towards the exit without turning back to look at her captain again. Narumi's laughter died down at this point, his eyes following the girl's figure as she didn't hesitate to make her exit.

"Hey, hachi! I was just kiddi-"

Narumi's words went in one ear and out the other as the door loudly shut with a bang, she didn't even glance at him when she left the room. Leaving narumi there in a state of confusion, he didn't think she'd react this badly after a bit of teasing. Despite pissing her off on purpose, he still felt a bit guilty because he drove her away, but acted as if it didn't matter to him.

"She'll come back, definitely.." His voice laced with doubt whilst he stared at the door, obviously waiting for her to re-enter the room as he sat there with his brows furrowed and his fist clenched, signifying that he was unsure.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18 ⏰

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