17-Bike rides and Ice cream

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Jess' POV

I woke up with Jake still asleep next to me. I was still in last nights clothes and we were on top of the covers. We were to tired to get dressed into pyjamas. He looked so peaceful so I decided to leave him there. I moved his arm from around my waist and tip toed downstairs. "Morning sis." Barclay smiled, giving me a hug.
"Morning bro." I chuckled as I poured out some orange juice into a glass.
"Do you know where Jake is? I haven't seen him since the twitcam." Barclay asked and as if Jake was waiting for him to say that, he waltzed in.
"Seen who?" He asked, stealing my drink from my hands and taking a sip.
"I was gonna drink that." I protested as he smirked and kissed me.
"Where have you been, Mr Sims?" Barclay asked as I awkwardly drank a bit of my drink. Barclay held a glass of water to his lips.
"He stayed in my room." I said just as Barclay had taken a sip of his water and spat it out.
"Excuse me. You didn't do anything last night?" Barclay asked, placing his drink on the worktop and getting closer.
"No, we just fell asleep next to each other. Calm down, Barcs." I chuckled as I drank the rest of my drink. "I'm going to get a shower." I said, putting my glass down.
"Don't forget we are going on a bike ride today." Barclay said before I walked out the room.
"Remind me to kill whoever came up with that idea." I sighed, rubbing my eyes.
"James did." Jake said, hugging me from behind. I leant my head back and he kissed my neck. I giggled slightly when Barclay pushed us away from each other.
"Come on, get dressed! We're leaving in and hour." he said, pushing me out the room and up the stairs.
"I don't need to be pushed. I can walk myself." I chuckled.
"I used to do it to you when you were little." he smiled, remembering.
"Barcs, I'm only 1 year and 4 months younger than you." I said, pushing his shoulder lightly.
"I know but your still my little sister." he said as he kissed my forehead and walked off.

Becky's POV

"Can I just say, cycling is not my thing." I said.
"Don't worry. I'll teach you." Reece smiled as I kissed him. I smiled at Reece and he smiled back and we were gazing into each other's eyes for a while when Barclay coughed awkwardly. I chuckled and Reece winked at me.
"Ok can we go now?" Jess moaned. Jess was more into sports than I was. I was more girlie than Jess.
"Come on then." James said as he opened the door and ran outside.
"James, wait up!" I called as Jess and Jake ran, while holding hands, following James. We got to the garage and searched for suitable bikes.
"These ones at the back look ok." James said as he dodged all the crap that was dumped in the garage.
"I'll help you James." Jess said as she followed James around the various boxes and rubbish.
"I'm not getting dirt on this new outfit." I said as the others chuckled.
"Stop worrying about your clothes." Jess said as she got a bike and picking it up and carrying it out. James got a bike and tried to pick it up but he couldn't quite manage. "I'll get it." Jess said.
"Look, if I can't get it out surely..." James was cut off in shock when he saw Jess lift the bike and put it with the other bike.
"Jess is strong for a girl." I chuckled as Reece reached for my hand. I looked at our hands as intertwined our fingers. I smiled as I looked up at him. Jake stood in shock as Jess helped James get the rest of them out.
"Right, who's having which bike?" Tom asked.
"Well seeing as Becky, Reece and James are the tallest they should have the bigger bikes." Chris said.
"Jake and I are the shorties so we can have a slightly smaller bike." Jess chuckled.
"Oi, who you calling short?" Jake asked.
"Your only a couple of inches taller than me." Jess said, as Jake chuckled and kissed her on her lips. They were such a sweet couple but poor Casey watching on looked like he was going to cry.
"Casey, you can have this bike and Tom and Chris can have these ones." Barclay said and we were all sorted.

We got to the park and cycled around a bit. "Its a shame Charlie is missing this." Jake said.
"Yeah, he is missing all the fun." I chuckled.
"What, you falling off your bike... twice, might I add." Jess chuckled as she stood up on her bike and cycled off. "Catch me if you can!" She yelled as Jake was first to try and catch her up, followed by Casey and Barclay.

Jess' POV

I was slowed down by a hand grabbing my arm. I stopped and saw Jake. My immediate reaction was to kiss him, which I gladly did before Casey came in front, skidding slightly. It was a bit awkward as Jake and Casey were not exactly BFFs. "So, shall we buy an ice cream?" I asked, breaking the awkward silence. Casey and Jake nodded their heads as we turned around.
"Look, one hand!" Reece shouted as Becky and Reece reached out and took each other's hand and still had one hand on the handle bars. They were a cute couple.
"Careful not to fall off again, Becky." I chuckled. Becky let go of Reece's hand and stopped, not using the breaks. "Have you ever actually been on a bike ride?" I asked Becky.
"Yeah, just not since primary school." she said, looking down. I ran a hand through my hair and smiled at Jake.
"We said we would get ice creams." I said.
"Yeah, I could do with an ice cream." Tom said. We cycled to the small café and parked, if that's what you would say, our bikes out side and locked them.
"Who wants what and I'll pay?" I asked.
"And we'll pay." Jake added. I have him a funny look.
"Look, buddy, I'm paying whether you like it or not." I said, getting slightly sassy.
"Really, even if I do this?" As soon as he finished his question he kissed me very very passionately.
"Ok, we're paying." I said, looking at the others.
"I want chocolate!" James yelled.
"Same for Tom, Chris and I." Reece said.
"Casey and I will have strawberry." Barclay said.
"I'll have plain old vanilla." Becky chuckled.
"Oh Becks, your so boring." I joked as she stuck her tongue out at me. "And so rude." I added, laughing and walking into the café.
"So what are you having, gorgeous?" I blushed slightly but I always do when Jake calls me gorgeous.
"I'll have mint choc chip as its my favourite and I haven't had it in ages." I said, as I ran a hand through my hair, again as I know it totally turns Jake on.

Jake's POV

Jess was looking at the menu and she ran a hand through her fringe and hair. It always made me want her more. She was so beautiful. I studied her face more than I have ever done before. Her long, blonde, thick hair was straight and her dark, mysterious eyes that I always get lost in, the darkest blue. Then she noticed me staring.
"What? Have I got something on my face?" She asked, rubbing her cheek.
"No, I'm just admiring my amazing girlfriend." I chuckled as she smiled, sweetly.

We ordered the ice creams and gave the boys and Becky their ice cream and had a chat but Casey was quiet the whole time. "Lets get going. It is 4pm." Jess said as she hopped on the bike and so did everyone else and we went back to the house.

"I'm so tired." Jess yawned. I put an arm around her shoulders.
"Let's get sat down." I said as I moved her to the sofa. I sat down and she sat on my lap. It was a perfect moment that I wouldn't share with anyone else.
"Look at you two." I heard Ben Haenow say.
"Where have you been, mate? I haven't seen you." I said as he hasn't been around lately.
"Oh I have been out rehearsing and Simone has been taking me to see people in concerts and I've been out with some other contestants." he explained. "Hey Jess." he added.
"Hi Ben." she smiled.
"Quiff crew!" Jake Quikenden exclaimed as he walked in the room to see me, Reece, Tom, James and Casey. We all chuckled remembering last night events on our twitcam.
"Jake!" Ben shouted, a bit too excitedly as they ran up and hugged each other. Their bromance was really funny but in a cool way. They were called 'Bake' by everyone because of the amount of time they spend together.

"I'm hungry." I heard James complain.
"Go to the kitchen then lazy." Jess said, watching the TV screen as I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer.
"I'm not lazy, I just can't be bothered." James said, looking around the room for his victim who he will ask to get him food.
"Or lazy!" Jess laughed. I chuckled and she snuggled into my chest.
"Chris, you know how your..." James started before Chris cut him off.
"No!" He said, firmly.
"Just get your food your damn self." Casey said. I wonder what's up with him.
"Alright, calm down Casey." James said, standing up and going into the kitchen.
"Bring me some crips on your way out, James!" I shouted as I heard a loud sigh. I chuckled as I hugged Jess tightly.


Hey guys. The pic is of what the characters look like. I know it's based on me and my friend Becky but we didn't want our pics on here. Hope your enjoying the book. Please vote and comment. Thanks!!!!

Jess xx

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