Part 1

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The soon to be king sighed, rubbing his temples as his advisors screamed at one another. This had been going on for months and quite frankly, he was more than tired of it. "That is the most preposterous idea that I have heard this evening! How can you even suggest such a thing!" Iris, head of the advisors yelled across the room. "I say it's brilliant!" A new voice entered the Orbit, a big smile graced his face as his bird pecks creased his eyes. The strong, older man strutted into the room proudly, his head high and his back straight as the advisors bowed in his presence. "Your Majesty." Iris announced.

The soon to be prince released a sigh once more as his father made his way through the sea of agitated men. "Father please. Now is not the time." The young prince spoke nonchalantly to his father. "But I believe that it is the right time."

His father turned to the advisors with a grin. "Let me make things easier for everyone as we seem to be stuck." The King turned to his son with a serious face. "You will be wedded by the end of this year and you will choose a maiden from our high standing society. I am not going to tolerate your foolishness any longer. You have been engaged twice and the third time will be the last. I am not here to debate this with you, know this now." The young prince clenched his jaw knowing not to go against his father's word.

"I am giving you a month Iris. You are to prepare my son and every eligible maiden with the qualities of a queen. You will not fail me this time. This is an order." Iris bowed his head, not saying a word. The King burst into a grin, clapping his large hands, causing a thunderous sound to echo the room. "Excellent!! Your mother will be expecting you at dinner tonight. You shall make yourself known." He glanced back at his son who was now stiff in his chair. "I need an answer." The young prince clicked his tongue, glancing into the gray eyes that matched his. "Yes father, I will be there."

Iris exhaled as the king left the room. "I am sorry, my prince but the king has spoken and I cannot go against his wishes any longer." The prince nodded. "My anger is not directed toward you, Iris, you have served and done your job well." Once again the advisor bowed. "This meeting is adjourned, please exit the orbit." Iris then turned to the prince. "Don't look at me like that Iris, do not pity me, I am your prince."

"And my best friend. I am obligated to have sorrowful feelings toward you, even if you don't like it." Iris grinned, his dimples deep, his jaw sharp, his eyes brown, his thick eyebrows rose as he folded his arms. Iris looked more his age when he smiled. "Do not worry my prince. I will pick a woman of grace, structure and wisdom. A woman of compassion and dignity." Iris spoke with the most dramatic and inspirational voice he could muster up. The young prince scoffed. "I would love to see you try, my friend."


"Audrey Jewel Prescott, I am this close to laying my hand on you! Where on earth have you been and why haven't you been answering your phone!" Her mother, Maria, rushed toward her as the maids tried dusting her off. Maria's face grimaced at the sight of her. "And why are you wearing those foul animal clothing? Did anyone we know see you wearing these? I hope not." Audrey rolled her eyes at her mother. "Well hello to you too mother, I was just helping the Fickles with their farm, you know they can't move like they used to." She stressed sadly which caused her mother to sigh. She knew her daughter had a good heart and she couldn't stop her from helping those in need. "Very well then, just go bathe and change, you reek of manure." Her mother teased, pushing her upstairs.

Audrey laughed, showing her pearly whites and dimples. "Yes mother." The young woman walked into her room, peeling her clothes off her dirty body. She looked at herself in the mirror, her curly hair in a high bun, her sun kissed skin appeared to have become darker as she was out in the sun but she didn't mind. Her dark, brown eyes glided down her plump body, picking hay off her arm and face.

As she cleansed herself, her mother sat with her husband, Lucas as they discussed their children but their daughter in particular. "The Johnsons saw Audrey this morning and wanted nothing to do with her, we were so close to getting a business deal and a proposal from their oldest son." Lucas sighed. His daughter was the exact image of him, she took nothing from her mother and he was always proud of that, he always called her his 'mini me' but Audrey took it more personally as she was more of a boy than a woman. Of course Audrey was caring, smart, kind and more than able to cook but she had some terrible ways and they sometimes outweighed the good.

Maria sighed. "What are we going to do, Lucas? Everyone's daughters are engaged or already married! What's wrong with ours?"

She didn't want her daughter to be the talk of the town, it's never good news. "Things will get better, we just have to be patient." Just then, a light knock echoed through the door. In walked Layla, Audre's best friend. "What a wonderful surprise! Audrey is just in the shower, she will be out soon." Maria smiled at her. "Good day Mr. and Mrs. Prescott. I just came to ask permission to take Audrey to the docs, the men are playing Polo and I would love for her to join."

Maria grinned at her husband who had a small smirk on his face. "Of course she can go. Please enjoy your time there." Just then, in walked Liam, their first son.

Layla had a sinful attraction to this man and he knew it. Liam would spend his days ignoring her and rejecting her. "Hello mother and father—Layla." He acknowledged her which made her swoon on the inside. She simply smiled at him as he passed her on his way out. "If you will excuse me, I am off to the game."

Maria clapped. "Excellent! Please accompany your sister and Layla there as well." Liam was about to protest but his father shot him down with a single glare. "Very well then." Just then Audrey came down wearing a white, long sleeved turtle neck, a beige, pleated skirt paired with white flats. "Don't you look lovely." Her mother gushed as Layla hugged her friend. "Layla here wants to take you out this afternoon and I approved, so go get your bag." Audrey didn't care as long as she was getting out of the house. "Take an umbrella as well, the weather may change." Maria added.

The Reluctant Prince and the Gentle Bride: A Love Story Fit for RoyaltyWhere stories live. Discover now