Part 16

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"The lady has gone missing and we have no idea where she went!" The maid cried as everyone rushed around the palace in search of Audrey. The queen, her mother in law and the prince all searched for her but to no avail. "Where could she have gone?" Elias asked himself as he roamed the grounds with his guards who were keeping an eye out for her. 

"Was she moody? Did she look home sick? Were there any signs of cold feet?" His grandmother asked, pacing around him. Elias looked at the darkening skies, hearing the distant thunder that rumbled across the gray sheet. "No, she was fine to my knowledge. Call her mother." Elloise stopped. "And worry them to death? The royal family lost their one and only daughter!" His grandmother argued. "You are right. We cannot stress them. Call Lady Layla."


Layla stood in the arms of her lover as they swayed to the music. The dimmed room set perfectly as the song playing in the background. That was until her phone started ringing loudly. She rolled her eyes, seeing that it was a royal number. Her heart stopped for a second before answering it. "Where is she?" Elias asked, slightly irritated. Layla looked back at Iris who looked slightly confused. "What are you speaking about, your majesty?" Elias sighed heavily. "If anyone knows where she is, it is you so please do not send me into circles looking for my bride. I do not want to order you." Layla sighed, biting her lip. "She's at the Fickles."


Audrey grabbed the hay, piling them up in the barn, away from getting wet. The skies turned dark and gray but she wanted to finish before it fell. "Audrey!" She ran out to see the horses and cattle still outside. With a whistle, the dog herded them into their homes. Audrey made sure the windows were barricaded and safe, she checked to make sure that all the animals had a meal and dry hay to sleep on. "Thank you so much, Audrey, you know how much this means to us." Mr. Fickle hugged her as they made their way inside where his wife poured them something to drink. "It is no problem, you can call me whenever you need help. I am always available." 

The winds blew harshly. "I think you should call your fancy husband to come pick you up. I don't think it's safe to travel back in this weather. Audrey shook her head, not having the heart to tell him that she ran away. "I'll be alright. I'll take a shower and be on my way." Even though they had no children of their own, she made herself quite comfortable in their home and they didn't mind. During her shower, there was a knock on the door. "Hold your panties, I'm coming." As soon as he opened the door, Mr. Fickle was met with the prince and royal guards. The older couple gasped, bowing their heads. "Your majesty! What do we owe this visit?" Elias looked around the small home but saw no sign of her. "You have someone that I seek, her name is Audrey Prescott."

The couple looked at each other. "Is she in trouble?" The prince shrugged. "It depends." Mr. Fickle placed his hands together. "Audrey is an angel and a wonderful young woman! She wouldn't hurt a fly. Please forgive her, your majesty. Whatever she did couldn't be that bad!" Elias looked at the old man in confusion. 

Do they not know that she is his bride? A loud gasp came from the staircase. Their eyes locked as he made his way across the wooden floors to her. "I am sorry, Elias. I did not mean to cause any alarm. I just wanted to help them before the storm came and –" He held her close in his arms. "Please do not do that to me again. You are not a prisoner. You are free to leave the grounds whenever you please." He caressed her clean face before turning back to the confused couple.


Elias sat at the table as the older woman served him. "Thank you but please sit down." She grinned. "We apologize for being so outdated, we don't have television and we just listen to music on the radio. We had no clue about your engagement but we congratulate you." Audrey smiled at him. "Thank you." Thunder boomed across the sky once more. "I think you should be heading out now. Don't want the rain to get you." Audrey hugged them once more before turning to Elias. 

The man had a questionable look on his face but he said nothing as they made their way out to the limo. "You had us worried, Audrey. I know you are a grown woman but you cannot just disappear without mentioning it to anyone. If it weren't for Layla, I would have placed a royal search team out for you." She looked down as he spoke. "I am sorry that I worried you but I knew that they would have never gotten their duties done before the rain and would have gotten wet. I did not want them getting sick so I just made a small trip." She didn't expect to be gone that long. He let out a deep breath. What was he going to do? She has the right to do whatever she pleases.


Upon arrival, she was greeted with hugs and worry. "Never do something so dangerous again." Elloise spoke as everyone shuffled inside. As if on cue, the rain poured heavily on the kingdom, leaving nothing to see but white. The coolness blew across the sky, relaxing the atmosphere. "I have it from her, grandmother. Everyone please go and relax." Elias guided her to the large glass window as they looked down on everyone and everything. 

"No more fretting, Elias. I am wrong and I should have never done what I did. I will apologize to your mother and grandmother when they have cooled down." Placing a hand on hers, he sat her down. Nothing needed to be said at that moment. She just needed to be with her thoughts. A few minutes went by as she looked at him. "They needed help and I was not going to let them down." Elias nodded. "Next time just tell us; tell me! We thought someone took you in broad daylight! We were already planning to tell your mother but went against it. It was a good thing that we did. Imagine what her reaction would be." Audrey smiled. "I know that you are worried about me but do not be. From now on, I shall be more open when it comes to these things." The couple sat in silence as they watched the rain fall.

The Reluctant Prince and the Gentle Bride: A Love Story Fit for RoyaltyWhere stories live. Discover now