Part 18

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The day of the wedding finally appeared and she hasn't spoken a word to Elias since that day. He treated her like air so that is what she became. Audrey sat there as they applied her makeup flawlessly on her face but she was not happy like she imagined she would be. Her sadness sat on her chest as she tried smiling as the photographer took pictures of her. "Look at my beautiful daughter!" Maria cried, hugging Audrey who was fighting tears. "Please, mother, do not make me cry, my makeup was done only a few moments ago." Her body was adorn with diamonds of all kinds, her hair done to perfection. 

She wore her engagement ring, twirling it on her finger, feeling nervous. "Well commence the fanning of your eyes." She turned her daughter around to see her father dressed in a black and blue tux, along with her brother and best friend. The water works began as she hugged them. "You look so beautiful." Her father kissed her cheek. "I am so proud of you, my love." Liam smiled at his sister, kissing her head. "We all are." Layla hugged her friend once more, tearing up herself. "You are going to be great today." Audrey felt so much better knowing her family was there to support her. "I am sorry to break up this occasion but we must get her ready." They bid each other goodbye once more before leaving the room. She walked to the gown, taking a deep breath. "Let's do this."


Elias sat on his dresser depressed and empty. "Please, tell me what is the matter! You are to be wed in less than half an hour and you refuse to get ready!" Iris and his father fussed over him. "I cannot do it." Elliot snapped his head at his son. "What do you mean? Elias, you were fine until a few days ago, why are you doing this?" He didn't speak until he was out the door. 

"Call the wedding off." Iris looked at the king who was pale. 


In the dressing room with Audrey, there was a frantic knock on the door. "It is Iris, please open up! This is important!!" Racina looked confused as she opened the door. "The prince is gone and he wants to cancel the wedding." The entire room gasped and went into a frenzy. Audrey felt numb. Why would he do this? Why now? "Where is Elias? Where is my grandson?" Elloise asked but Iris shrugged. "He ran off and we cannot find him." Her heart felt drained, she had nothing to give. "Audrey! Do you know where he might be?" Elloise looked at me with frantic eyes. "I know that this looks terrible but I know why he has been acting out and it is so much bigger than you and I. Please think."

Why should she? Why should she even think about him when he wasn't thinking about her? "Something happened to him with the twins. It is not my story to tell but when he is ready, he will tell you." Audrey looked at her for a moment. "I'll go get him." Audrey ignored the pleas from everyone. "No one is to follow me!!" She demanded as she made her way to the pond. She promised herself that she would yell at him but as soon as she saw his state, her demeanor changed. 

His eyes were red as he just sat there, looking at the water. "Why are you babbling nonsense about canceling the wedding?" Elias inhaled, shakingly. "I was in love once before and everyone thought that it was puppy love, they thought that with time, those feelings would wither but it didn't. I was set on marrying that girl." She looked at him confused as he spoke. "She was the youngest sister of Wallace and Asata. She was vibrant, loud, carrying and beautiful and I loved her." His words stung her but she didn't interrupt.

"Wallace hated me for some reason and got Asata, his sister, to join him. Sapphire would always defend my name and he hated that. He despised it to the point where he decided to convince his father to marry her off to a total stranger. They would have gotten benefits from the marriage and her father agreed. I tried pleading with them, I tried defending her like she did with me but it wasn't enough. I was willing to leave my crown and elope with her but my reality was greater than my imagination. Before I knew what was happening, she was already married. Wallace made her cut all contact with her and I didn't even try to fight him." Audrey sat next to him. "You can always visit he–" 

Elias let out a bitter sob. "She took her own life due to her husband beating and raping her everyday. She couldn't take her pain and wrote about it in heavy detail before she passed. She never blamed me. She blamed her family for not being here with us. Then they buried her as quickly and as quietly as possible." Tears poured down his face as he couldn't hold them in anymore. "I couldn't find it in myself to love again. I tried but it hurt to move on. I am at fault for not doing more! I should have done more." He slid down her shoulder, crying his heart out.

Audrey fought back her own tears as she comforted him. "I didn't want to hurt you like I did to her. I tried my best to keep my distance from you, I tried my best to keep my emotions in check but you invaded my mind. No matter how I tried, I found myself doing better for you." He pointed to the back of his head. "But there was always this nagging in my mind that said you will end up just like her. 

Seeing you speaking to them a few days ago just triggered something." Elias closed his eyes, trying to calm down. "I feel strongly toward you, Audrey. I cannot function until I know you are near, from the moment that I wake, you are the first thing on my mind. I crave you, Audrey. The mere thought of you in pain because of me, causes me to become physically ill." They were close to each other, their noses almost touching. "You do not want to see me in pain, yet you call off the wedding moments before we join in marriage." He was about to speak but she stopped him.

"I am not her, Elias. I am with you and I will not allow anyone to come between us." She grabbed his hand. "Tell me that you are going to stand beside me and we shall get through the obstacles that are placed in our way." Elias looked into her eyes. "I am sorry that such an event happened in your life but that was not your fault. You were young and did everything that you could. Her family is to blame and she knew that. So why are you burdening yourself? You can miss her, you can mourn her but do not destroy yourself in the process because I need you." Her hand rubbed his wet cheek. 

"I am here with you right now and I am willing to spend the rest of my life with you." Elias teared up, feeling weak mentally and physically. "I promise to stand by you, Elias. Will you stand by mine?" Audrey whispered, leaning into her arms. The prince inhaled deeply, holding her close. "Yes, I will stand by your side." He knew what he had in front of him and he knew he didn't want to lose her. Yes, he missed Sapphire dearly but his future was laying in his arms. "I am sorry for running off like that! I am supposed to be a prince and yet here I am acting like a coward." Audrey smiled. "I understand but what shall we do now? We are behind schedule and I am not how –" She squeaked as he stood to his feet with her. 

"We are going to have a wedding."

The Reluctant Prince and the Gentle Bride: A Love Story Fit for RoyaltyWhere stories live. Discover now