Epilogue: Eyas

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"Are you really serious about this, Saiko?" SMG3 interrogated, tapping a button on his phone.

A huge red portal opened in front of SMG3, Saiko, and Benny. All three stepped through and entered the Internet Graveyard, touching down onto the main street of the Graveyard's main Shantytown. Evidently, it had gone through a similar disaster as the Overland. The shoddy bungalows had become even shoddier, somehow reduced to looking less like livable houses than they already had. Ugandan Knuckles construction workers wafted across the walkways, wearing oversized construction helmets and carrying planks and rubble hither and thither.

"Ever since you showed up at 6's pod you've been acting like a psy- uhhh..." SMG3 rephrased as quickly as he could, dodging Saiko's glare, "...like a crazy person."

"I'll tell you as many times as I need to..." Saiko said, "I didn't leave this Universe on my own free will."

"I've heard'a pirates hijacking the teleporters before," Benny commented, a heavily spiced rice cake in his mouth, "Happens pretty often up at Uni Five. Hard t'believe they'd reach you this far across, though."

"No, that's not it." Saiko corrected, "There was something... pulling me toward SMG6. It felt almost like nostalgia or something, but stronger."

"So what does Kaizo hav'ta do with SMG6?" Benny asked, confused, "Why're ya coming all the way down'ere to see a potentially dangerous harbinger of death for?"

"Because I felt that same force pulling me toward him, too." Saiko explained, "Not only that, he seemed to recognize me like an old friend."

The three of them walked through the gateway to the shrine ahead of them. It had been mostly unharmed, save for a hole in the side of the SMG3 statue at the very top (which SMG3 spent most of the trip up the Shrine Steps complaining about). SMG3 fiddled with the mosaics on the wall for a secret button while Benny and Saiko took a moment to look around.

"You got a nice Internet Graveyard 'ere." Benny said, "Nicer than the ones I've seen. Doin' good fer yerself, I see."

"Eh, still kind of a Jungle Shithole." SMG3 replied, "I've been trying to improve this place since I got banished down here...long story. You know: make it less Jungle Shithole, more Sprawling Metropolis. Still got a little ways to go, though."

SMG3 pushed in a tile on the end of a mosaic depicting the Forever Alone Guy, flipping open a video interface hidden in the wall. Belle Fontiere sat on the other side of the interface, her nose way too close to the camera.

"Oi!" she ordered in a thick Australian accent, "State your business or fuck right off, Wanker!"

"We're here..." SMG3 replied, trying way too hard to sound suave, "...to make tea in the desert."

"Well go brew your own, then!" Belle barked back through the microphone, "I'm not gonna make you any!"

SMG3 pulled down his shades and gazed into the camera. Saiko and Benny stood behind him awkwardly. He wasn't actually wearing any shades.

"Oh, come right in." Belle's personality changed on the spot. A larger part of the wall next to them, revealing an elevator going deep down into the center of the Shrine. The group boarded and the motor's turned, sending them all into the heart of the Internet Graveyard.

"I was gonna keep this place a secret from you guys." SMG3 says, "This is where we keep memes that were destructive in life, sealing them here forever and never letting them return to the Overland. This is sort of our Meme Hell, if you wanna call it that."

The elevator churns to a stop, hitting the bottom of the chasm. SMG3 turns to Saiko with a mischievous look on his face.

"This is also where I was gonna put you guys once I took over SMG4's Youtube Channel." He snickered loudly.

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