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Seonghwa couldn't believe what is happening right now. They were right now at Mrs. Reejin funeral.

Yeosang who was talking to Mrs. Smith looks at his mate standing near Mrs. Reejin who has just been buried and now all the guests were going.

Both of their girls were with the teachers of orphanage as what would children do at funeral?

He sigh and smiles at Mrs. Smith before walking to his mate.

On the mate, his eyes meet with that of IU's who nods in response. Yeosang nods as well and walks to stand besides his mate who looks to be lost in thoughts.

Yeosang opened his mouth but seonghwa beat him to it.

"You know sangie. I never thought I will meet anyone from my real mother's side." Yeosang looks at his mate, but seonghwa was looking at the grave.

" My mothers... I always believe that they are my real parents but then four years ago, I got to know that the parents I believe we're truly my parents... They weren't. And then, I saw both my real parents died. And today...? I- I just- I don't know. She claimed to be the younger sister of my real mother, she knew about me and- heck- she let it all happened to wooyoung and I-" seonghwa stops as he released a deep breath. " I am not even sure what to do anymore sangie... She betrayed us. She let it all happen to wooyoung and you know what, she told me that it was mom who told her to stay away and be quiet and now- today. When she was about to say everything... She was murdered. Right in front of me. Just like- just like everyone else? And I couldn't save her also." Seonghwa let out a sigh.

Yeosang not knowing what to say, just hug him from side. Seonghwa wrapped his left arm around yeosang also.

Both looking sadly at the grave.

"But she did left you with a hint. Right? She has done her part." Yeosang looks at seonghwa and cup his face making seonghwa looks down at him.

"Now, it's your turn to done your part. Find your purpose and fulfill it. I will always support me. Me and our daughters, all of us supports you." Seonghwa smiles and kiss yeosang's temple but then a memory cross his mind, taking his smile away and instead a frown appears.

"Find your purpose and fulfill it."

It was the said words that that 'woman in white', that he believes is his mother, tarisha said.

"Mister. Park?" Seonghwa and yeosang broke their hug and looks towards Chanyeol who has called them. Both him and IU were dressed in black clothes.

IU passed the manuscript they got from Mrs. Reejin before they died, to seonghwa who holds it. Yeosang frown at it.

"We believe, that you deserve to read first. After you are done, let us know so we could retrieve it and do our further research." Seonghwa nods and thanks the two as they leave.

Yeosang looks at seonghwa and back at the manuscript in his hand. "What is this about Hwa?"

Seonghwa looks at yeosang. "Mrs. Reejin said that all the past is hidden in it. Don't worry about it. Let's go, and get girls. It's getting late." Yeosang nods and both walks towards the orphanage to get their girls but before leaving, seonghwa turns to looks at the grave of Mrs. Reejin and frown as he saw a black cow fly from the tree above Mrs. Reejin grave.

It wasn't any unnatural thing but still, seonghwa felt uncomfortable.

"Hwa?" He looks back to find yeosang looking at him with worried eyes.

He smiles and sits also and drive to the orphanage.


San was glaring at the letter placed on the table in front of him, the same letter that wooyoung has given him a day before.

He was sitting in the living room of y/n house while y/n was outside to buy some grocery.

With a deep breath, he leans closer, grabbing the letter, and opening it.

He starts to read it.

The winter orphanage, where I was taken after my parents died. There I met my aunt, my mother's sister, after you told you to go for the second time...

-- (A/n: the italics and underlined is what written in the letter, and other writing is what wooyoung went through at that time.)

Wooyoung while holding a sleeping 2 year old rowoon walks to the front of the orphan.

His eyes land on the gate of the orphanage and the memories of how changbin reject him, and he was dragged to the hell, comes rushing to his mind, making wooyoung's breaths hitches. But he pushed those memories aside.

He looks at the orphan. Everyone must be wondering what he was doing there?

I want answers after what everyone has done to me. So, after leaving Namjoon hyung house, it was the place I went to directly. The place from where all my horrors started.

With deep breaths, wooyoung walks inside, his steps slow as he looks around.

The orphan look to have undergone a renovation few years back, yet the structure was still same as wooyoung remembers.

I kept walking and that was when I met her.

Mrs. Smith took wooyoung to take him to meet Mrs. Reejin who looks at wooyoung and gasp, standing up with the help of her chair. She takes her glasses off.

She was old, quite old.

"Youngie..." Mrs. Reejin whispers as with help of Mrs. Reejin she walks to wooyoung who has standing in the doorway still holding rowoon in his arms, watching her with stern eyes.

She reached him and her old trembling hands reached for wooyoung's face who stood still with a stern look at his face but just as she was about to touch his face, wooyoung takes a step back.

"I believe you know why I am here. Right? So, let's just get to business. I don't have time for this reunion. Especially, when we have nothing to do with each other's life." Wooyoung said.

Mrs. Reejin looks disappointed but she nods and with help of Mrs. Smith sits back to her seat. She points to wooyoung to sit also. Which wooyoung also did.

Mrs. Reejin looks at Mrs. Smith, to which mrs. Smith nods and after offering wooyoung some tea, she leaves, leaving the two behind and a sleeping rowoon.

"I knew, you will come. And I knew you will hate me but trust me I didn't have a choice." Mrs. Reejin says and she looks at wooyoung with sad eyes.

"I have time." Wooyoung answers as he leans closer. His eyes cold as winter ice.

He wasn't in a mood to joke and it was obvious.

Mrs. Reejin nods and sigh, looking around before her lands on the necklace on wooyoung's neck.

"The person who killed your parents and is the reason behind all of your and other sufferings is..."

She said, that the person behind all our sufferings is the one we least expected and the last of her kind.


Who do you guys think, mrs.reejin is talking about?

Did wooyoung do good giving this letter to San? After everything he has done?

Was that feeling that seonghwa gets after watching the crow fly away, means something? Or was it him just being phenomenal?

Did you guys have fun reading this chapter?

Do you guys still have interest in this book?

Or should I spicy the things more??

What are your thoughts on this chapter?


1268 words.

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