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In east, when San was reading his letter and seonghwa was at the funeral, Y/N at the market:

Y/n was looking at the different food items to stock her grocery, when her eyes fall on a petite back.

Black hairs reaching shoulders.

She watches as the person turned and it was then she notices the mask and the different colored eyes, the purple perfectly hidden by the hairs if not for her looking close.

Her eyes widen slightly. It was no doubt the omega that Ronald (San) is searching after.

She takes few fast steps to reach the omega but then stops and thinks, that should she go? Or not. But then she decides against it and walks to the omega who was at the moment placing some vegetables in the cart.

She cleared her throat making the omega to look at her.

Wooyoung glance at her before looking down at the vegetables again. He didn't know but he suddenly felt uncomfortable. He has been on edge after meeting San a day before.

"Hey, mister... If you don't mind, please can you help me find some cereal? I can't find it and I am new here." Y/n asks politely.

The tension in wooyoung's shoulders relax slightly. He nods and silently points to the far corner of the market.

"You will find some there."

"Right..." Y/n looks down at the vegetables before looking at wooyoung who was still choosing Vegetables.

"Mhm... My name is Y/n by the way. Can I ask your name?" She asks hopefully . Wooyoung glance at her and then looks at his cart, he thinks for few seconds before looking at her, unsure.

Y/n immediately Sense his worries and raised her hands, laughing akwardly , "it's fine, if you don't want to. It's just, I am new here and don't have any friends. So, I just..." she trails off and looks away feeling embarrassed but then her eyes widen as she heard wooyoung.

"Wooyoung..." she turns to looks at him with a wide grin.

"Nice to meet you, wooyoung! Hope we could be friends!" Wooyoung glanced at her and then at her out stretched hand and back at her face.

He couldn't help but shakes it back.

"... Sure. Sorry, I got to go." Saying this, he immediately grab his cart and make a run to check out, making y/n sigh and yells after him.

"Hope to meet you again!" She watches as wooyoung checks out and leaves in a hurry.

It made her wonder what is his history with Ronald (San)


San has put the letter on the table and was thinking. Who could it be?

"Last of her kind..." He whispered and bites his thumb while being in deep thoughts.

"What you thinking so hard man?" San jumps and looks back to find it's Y/n who has entered with grocery bags in her hand.

"Oh," he stood and went to help y/n placed the grocery bags in the kitchen.

"There's more in the car." Y/n inform him as she focus on putting the things in their place. San nods and went to get the remaining bags from the car outside and they both placed the grocery in their place, ofcouse, San with the directions from y/n.

And once it was done, both went to sit in the living room.

San flop on the couch while y/n claims the other sofa, eating her favourite chips. That's when, y/n eyes fall on the letter placed on the table.

"What's that?" She points as she puts another chips in her mouth.

San sits up straight and looks at the letter. He sigh.

"It's from wooyoung."

Y/n jumps up excitedly. "You're omega!? Oh woaw." She then frowns. "Hold up, why aren't you excited? Did he dump you or what?"

San gives her a disinterest look before holding the letter and passing it to her.  She grabs it after wiping her hands with her clothes making San crunch in disgust.

"What? Don't tell me you haven't done it."

" Oh hell no! I am not an insane person !" San retort.

" What? How come it is insane, forget it! Dang! You're such a boring man!" She exclaimed, as she grab the letter and reads it. Her eyebrows frown and she looks at San also.

" Last of her kind? Who is he pointing at? "

San shrug and leans to rest his head against the couch rest.

" That's what I am trying to figure out. Last of her kind... But as far as I know. There's no one... Hold up... " He sits straighter, looking straight.

Y/n gasp and looks at San also as he looks at her again. Both coming to a realization.

" Is she perhaps pointing at the generation? Last of her kind... But... Who could that be? " Y/n thought.

San hums and also thought. Last of wooyoung's aunt kind- hopefully generation.

Who could that be?

Is it perhaps , someone is alive and they don't know about it?

"Gosh! This is fucking Insanity! My head hurts!" He huff.

"Is it maybe related to south? From where your omega truly is?" Y/n suggested.

San looks at her and thought for few seconds. "That's actually makes sense. I got to make a call." He immediately grab his phone and calls Chanyeol, who picks almost immediately, as he walks to the back pouch and leans on the railings looking at the backyard.

"Yes, alpha?"

"Chanyeol, have you found anything?"

"Alpha, we have met the Omega's aunt."

San eyes sparkle. "That's great news, so-?"

"But, alpha. Someone killed her."

San eyes widen. "what?"

"Yes alpha. Today was her funeral. I have texted you but you haven't read."

San frowns. But he didn't get any messages.

"Have you check the Omega's house?"

"Yes, alpha, but nothing interesting has been found."

San hums and glance at y/n before looking at front and whispering, so only Chanyeol could hear him.

"Chanyeol, I need you and IU to come back and keep an eye on someone. "

" Yes, alpha" Chanyeol answers as san hang up the phone.

He glance back at y/n to find she's still busy eating her chips and watching reels. So, he turned back and immediately type a name he wants Chanyeol to keep an eye on.

???? Minho


Who's this Minho?

Does anyone have any clue.

Is this name another clue to another mystery or is it just someone that San has his own doubts?

Do comment.

Until next time.


1092 words.

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