9. Pretty

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"You give a little, and I fall a little too much. I give a little, I'm too late, you slip from my clutch."


He didn't need her. However, she needed comfort before him. She needed to come up for water before she could go back down again. If he never left, he would have been hers. He was hers in his heart. He had to still need her. She needed him to need her again. There was no other way to feel whole again. She hadn't been whole for eight years even now.

But at least she felt safe. She felt safe in the arms of her father. The man she wished was her father. "Kid, stop crying." He sounded gentle but confused. He wasn't used to consoling others. Especially kids. She wasn't really a child. She was 18 now. But he treated her like she was one. For the first time, being underestimated felt right. Because she was always treated as if she was an adult since she was a small child.

Her tears soaked up his shirt. He sighed. "You should head home. It's getting late." He would have offered her to stay at his place, but he felt weird about taking an 18 year old home while being over thirty. The most he could do was help her get home safe. "I don't know how." How did she not know how to get home? He didn't mind. He just took a breath as she dried up her tears.

"I'll drive you, come on." She nodded. He was nice to her. She felt like she was his daughter. Her legs led her to his car. His car was simple. She didn't know what type, but it just looked fast. It was plain white. The man seemed like a minimalist, so she wasn't surprised.

There was silence for a while. She didn't really like it so quiet. Silence usually meant she was either home or in trouble. She sighed. It felt different with Noa. It was comfortable. "Michael's really mean." She spoke. She didn't really mind that it was his own team member that she was talking about. Noa nodded absentmindedly. He didn't want to disagree with her at such a crucial time. It would hurt her too much. He wasn't trying to hurt her when she just sobbed.

Yes, the man was dense when it came to comforting others, but he wasn't stupid. "How can he pretend he doesn't know me?" She sounded like a small child whining. He felt pity towards her. He was confused. She knew Kaiser? "I was his only one, but now that he's all famous, he thinks he doesn't need me? The little shit." Noa sighed. Kaiser had gotten a bit conceited with all the fame he had in his opinion. He didn't know if his ego boost was a good or bad thing.

So many words she wanted to say to the boy, her boy. She needed to see him again. She feared her soul would never rest if she did not see that man's face. If she did not get to trace around the faded marks on his back. She had seen them. She might have even been the only one who saw them. Still, she liked it that way. She liked knowing that she was his first. She just wanted to be his last. "Noa?" He looked at her a little. "Hm?"

A deep breath. She had to breathe properly. She had to be confident. Because she wanted it. She wanted to scream at him just once again. She wanted him to know how much pain he had caused her. He wanted everyone to fucking know how much she suffered because of his ignorance. "Take me to him, please." Noa was hesitant. He really shouldn't bring random people into the training grounds.

However, this girl wasn't just random. She was his mini. Her eyes red and puffy, dried tear streaks on her face. She had no choice but to face it so abruptly. Her heart needed rest. She needed to hold onto the feeling in her heart. She wanted to. But she had to slowly let him go. Her world had been devoid of colour for so long.

She's doing this to tell herself she tried. She knows damn well she won't be getting over him. She didn't mind. She'd rather be under anyway. A sigh left her lips.

Bastard Munchen's fields.

Chapter end

Things have to be shorter cos of bugs but anyway, I hope you had a good day or night. Please don't stay up too late. If it's 12:30am, or past, go to sleep ! (Preferably before 12)

I love you all, eat well, sleep well, and hydrate. I don't want to have to use my only elixir to save you, but I would.

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