Chapter 1: The Unexpected News

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Day 01

1st May 2024, Wednesday

I wasn't prepared for this. Five days without you... How am I going to survive? I'm still unsure. So many thoughts were swirling in my mind at that time. I didn't see this coming, and I wasn't prepared at all. I have to accept it, though, because you were leaving offshore.

The night before was terrible. I couldn't sleep well. I was worried about so many things about you, about me, about us. Can we survive this? Can we pull through? Can we make it?

Time flies by so fast. My heart was racing like an F1 car. I wished you could hear how bad my palpitations were.

You texted me early, as usual. We chatted like we always do. I gave you reminders, like I always do. I know I can be possessive, but this time, I think I was being extra possessive. I hope you didn't feel uncomfortable with all the warnings and reminders I gave you throughout your journey.

I was glad we were still texting while you were on your way. Even though I told you to focus on the road, you still made an effort to stay connected as much as possible before boarding. I'm not sure if the connections will be as good as they usually are every single night. I know, it's been a pain dealing with the bad connection. We both hate it as much as we hate him. We really can't stand him being around and listening to our conversations every single time. I guess that's why he decided to cut us off most nights, because he knew we hated having him around. Haha.

You arrived safely at your destination. Thank you for listening and adhering to all my requests to update me on your whereabouts. Thank you, for protecting my man. And most importantly, thank you, love, for staying safe.

Saying your last goodbye to me, you left me hanging at 15:47, and my phone went silent for the next couple of hours. No calls, no texts from you. I'm starting to miss you, and it's not funny. I had a hard time completing even a single task that I was working on for most of the hours.

Well, to be honest, I wanted to give you my best support. I wanted to know more about what you're doing and how things will work when you're offshore. For my better understanding, I did some research. I know it may not be technically accurate, but at least I could understand some aspects here and there, even if just a little. I wanted to know what to expect and what not to expect, so I wouldn't have too high hopes for the next few days. Here's a little something I gathered during my research. It's okay if what I found doesn't perfectly match what you're doing. Some of the information I gathered here makes sense to me.

So, let's run through it.

Here's some reasons why some companies prohibit their workers to use their devices during job some other reasons related to it.

- Many companies and local laws prohibit the use of personal phones and other smart devices. Even in situations where they are allowed, a worker doesn't necessarily have free rein to use a cell phone while on the rig.

An offshore worker cannot use a cell phone aboard an oil rig or platform in these situations:

Outside of the living quarters. Due to the risk of flammable gas coming up the oil well, the use of cell phones is strictly prohibited anywhere outside of the living quarters. To take photos. Due to the sensitive nature of oil rig work and safety concerns of using a phone around the oil and equipment, employees may not take photos of the operations. While on the clock. Cell phones are distracting! Working on an offshore oil rig requires the full attention of the employee for their safety and that of their coworkers.

Can Family Members Call Workers on an Oil Rig?

· If personal cell phones are allowed on the oil rig a family member is trying to contact, they may be able to communicate with a worker with text messages or phone calls. As more and more companies adopt the use of satellite hotspots, workers can stay in touch with their families more easily even in the most remote waters. This is especially beneficial for offshore workers who are away for extended periods of time.

Of course, I didn't let you know that I did this research on my own. You must be thinking that I'm a crazy girlfriend.

Time check: 20:07hrs.

Finally, I heard your text coming in at 20:07. Just for your information, ever since I started dating you, I actually set a different text tone and call tone whenever you called or texted me. So, I know the incoming message is from you. You're important to me, and I don't want you to feel neglected by me, so I always attend to you first.

I was so excited to read your text. I was worried, thinking about how you're doing, if you've been eating and resting well. I guess I'm just an overprotective girlfriend. My worries about you seem never-ending. I even get affected by all the things I do. Every little movement I make reminds me of you. This is our very first time being apart from each other, unlike anything we've encountered before. It's our first time with no calls or texts at certain times, no photos taken, and no video calls. It's hard, but I believe we can get through this.

We chatted for a while, and you were the only one able to view my photos, but I couldn't see yours. It's driving me crazy. I looked at the time, and it's past 22:30 it's past our usual call time. And to be honest, I actually forgot that you're offshore. Sigh~

Our lights went off as early as 23:49, so we stopped chatting and wished each other goodnight. On my end, my insomnia kicked in. I tried my best to keep my eyes shut, saying a little prayer to keep my man safe and wishing for him to return home in one piece, thinking of all the wonderful moments we've created so far through our conversations. But I failed. I was afraid to close my eyes.

I managed to get an hour of sleep and finally fell asleep close to 04:30 a.m. I was woken up by a bad dream, and by then it was already close to 05:00 a.m. What was in the dream? Should I even tell you? Alright, fine then. I'll tell you. I dreamt that you were actually married because I saw you wearing a ring in one of the photos you sent me. Of course, you denied it at first, and it took a while for you to tell me the truth. And so, the dream ended there. I just didn't want to continue it because I didn't want to start my day with a lot of disappointment.

Yours's truly,

Thea, 0415am

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