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would you take away my hopes & dreams & just stay with me?

"CARBONITE? THAT'S your plan?" Regina asked, looking at Anakin incredulously. Skywalker just shrugged, giving her a half-hearted smile.

"No one else had any bright ideas," he replied. Regina shook her head.

"Anakin, we could die," she said quietly.

He sighed. "I know, Regina. But this is the only way. And it's too late to change the plan now."

Regina rolled her eyes. She knew he was right. She looked past him to see the three reprogrammed battle droids they'd gotten for the mission receiving orders from R2-D2, who had been placed over them.

"You came up with that plan, too, didn't you?" Regina inquired. Anakin turned and followed her gaze. They watched as the astromech beeped with annoyance at the commander droid. Both Regina and Anakin had to smile. They knew R2 was enjoying his position of power.

"Of course I did," Anakin grinned. "Do you really think Obi-Wan or Master Plo could come up with something this creative?"

Regina gave him a wry smile. "It's definitely creative." She turned and walked toward Blue, who was standing with Breaker, Topper, and Clipper.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she could hear Anakin calling after her. Even though she knew he couldn't see her face, she smiled anyway. Messing with her husband was one of her favorite pastimes; very amusing.

"How are you four holding up?" Regina asked the clones as she neared them.

"Good, General," they chorused together. Regina raised an eyebrow at them.

"That doesn't sound too positive."

Breaker shrugged. "We don't know how we feel about this whole... carbonite business."

"Makes us uneasy, that's all." Clipper shuddered. Regina knew how he felt but only glanced at Topper.

"Other than that, it's an ideal plan, sir," he added quickly.

Blue cleared his throat. "They're just worried we'll come out blind," the commander said stiffly, rolling his eyes. That was the most emotion Regina had seen him display in a long time.

"General Skywalker assures me that we'll all be fine," Regina reported, crossing her arms across her chest. She wasn't so sure, though, and was more inclined to go with the clones' gut feelings on this one. But Anakin did tend to be lucky.

"That's what we're afraid of," Blue replied wryly. Regina smirked. Sensing Anakin behind her, she turned around.

"I think we're going to start the carbonation process," Skywalker announced.

"Great," Regina sarcastically remarked. Anakin gave her a look. "I'm sorry. I just think this is a bad idea."

"I know you do," Anakin answered, giving her a half smile. "Everyone does." He took in her wary-looking clones. "Which is why it will be so unexpected. And it will work." He walked away, going over to Rex, probably to reassure him of the exact same thing.

"This is gonna backfire," Breaker mumbled.

"C'mon, it's General Skywalker," Clipper replied. "His plans always work."

Breaker eyed him with annoyance. "Clip, you just said..."

"No, that was you, Breaker."

As the ARC trooper and captain continued their argument, Regina and Blue shared a look.

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