Twilight:The truth

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Waking up to two people staring down at me, "Ugh" I moaned as I rubbed the back of my head. "What happened?" I asked, still rubbing the back of my head.
"According to Ms McKenzie, you passed out on your way to Defence class. Is that true?" the same short, troll, healer said as he took out a potion bottle with a red liquid inside. Remembering what had actually happened in the dungeons, I said to the man "Yes, it is true". The man then looked at me and said "Well then, open your mouth now". Confused, I opened my mouth slightly and closed my eyes. The man then made me swallow all of the red liquid. Disgusted, I opened my mouth and said "What on earth was that?".
"Fendort potion," the troll said as he put the bottle back in his bag. "It's a healing potion. It'll help you feel better. It can also heal wounds that heal slower than usual. If you want, you can attend my potions class tomorrow morning. I'll teach you how to brew it. If you are a Troll or Sanimorph".
"I'll think about it." I said, replying to the troll. After giving me a pleased smile, the short troll then left the room. Leaving me with the principal. "How are you feeling now, Ms Anderson." the pale man asked in a cold manner. "Much better." I replied, looking a bit scared. "Good to know," he said. After clearing his throat, he said "Your father and mother are worried for you. They asked me to make arrangements for you to see them.". I felt relieved. Finally I could get some time away from this Academy. All I needed was some time away from the Academy so I could figure out what was happening to me. "So, can I see them?", I asked. Letting out a sigh, the principal then said "Yes, you may. I'll send you back to your house tomorrow morning. Right now, you need to get some rest.". He then turned around to leave but I stopped him saying "Wait! Can my brother come too?". Turning to look at me, the principal then said "Why do you need him to tag along?".
"I'm not used to being without my brother for too long and anyways, I'm sure he would also like to go see mom and dad." I said. I really needed Jake to be with me. He was the only one I could share this with. "Fine!" Principal Vinsard said looking displeased. "But, be sure to be back here by Saturday night.".
"Why is that Principal Vinsard?" I asked, looking curious. Preparing to leave the room, Principal Vinsard then held the door knob as he said "It's the Bonsinous night. Every freshman is expected to be having their powers by then so that they can be sorted into their proper houses. So be there.". Then he left as he slammed the door shut. Bonsinous night? What'll happen if I don't get my powers by then?, I thought to myself. With lots and lots to think about, I gradually fell asleep.

The following day, our friends were seeing us off at the gate of the Academy. Outside of the gate stood a beautiful white brougham carriage, it looked like it came out of the Cinderella fairytale! "So when will you guys be back?" Michael asked with both of his hands in his pockets.
"Probably by Saturday night." Jake replied while standing next to Isaac. "Principal Vinsard says it's the 'Bonsinous night'. So we have to be there on time."
"Oh yeah, the Bonsinous night," Denzel said. "I almost forgot."
"Principal Vinsard is right. You guys really do need to be there. Only then will you be able to find out which Netherbeast clan you belong to." Isaac said with his hands in his pockets. I watched as his blonde hair swayed in the wind. "It is also the day that you get sorted into your proper house."
"How?" I asked. Before Isaac could say anything, Rachel replied saying "There's a spell which is used to tell which Netherbeast clan you belong to. It's usually cast by Professor Faderms and Professor Wingers. After that, you'll be given a new uniform according to your houses.".
"I can't wait to see which house you and Jake will be in. Have any ideas?" said Denzel while leaning against the gate.
"What are the houses anyway?" I asked. With his eyes fixed on the carriage, Isaac replied to me saying "Well, there's Sanimorph, Werewolf, Vampire and Troll. Specified by each clan.".
"Okay then." I said before turning to Rachel and saying "Rachel, would you mind taking me to Professor Faderms. I need to talk to her about something.".
"Okay then, follow me. I'm sure she's in the garden." she replied.

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