Chapter 4

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I was awoken by Reid's wolf nudging mine. I lifted my head and looked at him, his awkward position over my sleeping healer and warriors telling me it was late.

"What is it?" I asked through our link.

"You asked to be awoken as soon as Michael was found." Reid answers bowing his head.

"Ah, yes." I stand slowly waiting for Reid to back through the crowd before I follow in his steps to avoid stepping on any body parts or tails. As soon as I finish my dance through bodies, Reid cocks his head away from camp telling me to follow. I give a curt nod in agreement and encouragement for him to lead the way.

We don't go far from camp, just over a hill. As we make our descend I see Michael at the bottom. A wave of relief floods my body. I didn't realize I was so worried for my fathers Beta but I was. He was like an uncle to me. We approach and Michael stays where he was, facing away from us never moving.

"Michael?" I ask.

His ear twitches my direction acknowledging that he heard me but he didn't turn.

"What is it?" I ask instantly on alert, smelling the air and scanning my surroundings.

"Something or someone is out there. We must get going. I have a bad feeling if we stay." He says, no room for argument. I take his advice and Reid and I run back to the pack.

I start barking and hurriedly waking everyone. We load the children and Elders first before attaching warriors to the carts to pull. Everyone is concerned but organized and don't loose control.

"FORWARD." I push my pack on and they start moving with Delta James leading the way. Reid stands by me and I stare at that hill turned milky white by the moon. I watch the breeze dance through the blades of yellow grass. I watch. I wait. Where is Michael? Anticipation pulls at me. Then I her it. My eyes go wide and I charge for the agonizing sound that is Michael's wolf howling in pain. As I take off some warriors dispatch from the group to follow and protect me.

"Alpha! Wait!"

Reid is screaming at me and I hear nothing. I hear only Michael and his defeated cries. I'm running down the hill when I see him. Damon. The Beta to Blood Moon. He holds Michaels wolf's head in a choke hold in his arms. Michael is panting heavily. I stop abruptly as Damon adjusts his grip getting ready to snap his neck. I shift fast. And stand upright. Reid to my left and my warriors baring their teeth to the man holding our pack member on other side of me.

"Release him!" I demand.

"Silly girl, I was merely following you as instructed when your wolf here sensed me. He tried to take my head. I was only defending myself." Damon says taunting me. An evil smirk on his face.

"You've made your point now release him." I demand again choosing not to show the panic I feel inside.

"Don't worry about me! Run! The packs need you." Michaels voice fills my head.

"I'm not leaving you." I reply quickly. "Beta Damon surly you don't mean to kill my Beta on another packs land?"

"You're not an Alpha-" My packs growls cut him off at the disrespect. "This isn't your Beta. This is a pack you stole after it was gifted to a friend of the Kings. I think you need to learn a lesson."

Right before Damon can snap Michaels neck he's tackled by a black wolf. Alpha Alazar. "Protect him." I demand my warriors as I run to help my Beta. Michael slowly rises. Tense but otherwise okay. I look to Alpha Alazar and nod a thank you. He nods back before shifting.

"Beta Damon. Surly you don't mean to commit treason on my land?" Alazar turns his attention to the royal pain in my rear Beta.

"Treason? The wolf attacked me." Damon gives the same story.

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