What is the goal of BlackStoriesUnite?
Like I've stated, the goal is to build a community that focuses on highlighting Black writers, Black characters, and Black stories. The best way to do that is to build a community centered around Black creators.
How do we build a community?
Easily, by being active of course! Here's what you can do for others:
~Follow this account. I will post often about books, characters, and tropes to keep the discussion on my message board ever-present.
~Add BlackStoriesUnite to your private library. That way, whenever a new chapter of this guidebook is uploaded, you are notified and are kept in the loop about future opportunities.
~Check out my reading lists at least once a month. I will be adding new books of all genres weekly! Read, comment, and vote on these works too. It means the world to these writers. You never know what gold you will discover! Also, the support that you show is likely to be returned.
Here's what you can do for yourself:
~Use the hashtag, #BlackStoriesUnite if you are a Black writer, or at the very least your main character is a Black person. This is a sure fire way that I will see your work! Other extremely useful hashtags are #Blackwriter #Blackprotaganist #Blackfantasy #Blackscifi #Blackcharacters #Blacklead #Blackhorror #Blackromance
(Only use the hashtags that actually fit your story! No need to clog up categories unnecessarily)
~Put yourself out there! There are so many ways to do this. Reply to the new comments on your story, interact with BlackStoriesUnite, and join of other communities as well! People are more likely to connect with you as a writer, follow your account, and give your books a shot when they see you showing love to others. You may even end up making a friend, and that is priceless.
RandomWelcome to the BlackStoriesUnite profile guidebook! We have a lot to discuss and discover so come take a peek! Cover by @_kodomei23