Chapter one

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There was a world meeting. In it was normal like always. America was talking about him being a hero, France ohohohing, Canada being ignored, England calling them wankers when they tell him he can't cook, and Germany slamming his fist down on the table to gain control. The rest of the counties did small talk with each other, ignoring the rackets of noise created.

Everything was normal, except the tension in the air. One by one everyone noticed this and became quiet and tried to find who's the cause of it.

Surprisingly it was the two Italian twin brothers, they were having what seemed like a staring contest. The only difference of an average staring contest is that the brothers were starting at each other with a look the countries never knew they were capable to express. Complete hatred and anger.

Germany finally said something about it. "Italy, Romano. It came to my understanding that you two are having a problem with each other."

They didn't even move a muscle when Germany called them out, instead they ignore him and continued staring at each other.

France soon got an idea.
"Italy, come and talk your problems with your grand frère."

France put his arm around  Italy, smiling at the small boy. Italy should be the one who would tell them right away, right? Wrong.

Italy moved too fast for any country to keep track of his movements and had France's arm behind him, twisting it slightly to give France a struggle to free himself.

"What?" Italy said with a dark glare and glint in his eyes. All counties jaws dropped if it hadn't already. Soon Italy gain his senses and let go of France.

"Ve~ sorry big brother. I thought you were a certain idiot, I'm very sorry." Italy apologized with a smile, Romano glared at him when he said the word idiot.

"Come on dudes. What's the problem? Tell the hero!" Exclaimed America, trying to stare down between the brothers. He grab both wrists and drag them to stand by each other.

"See, you two are brothers. Just hug and make up." America said as he push the twins closer to each other. But as he did, the two held a weapon. Romano held a gun the back of his neck and Italy held a knife close to his throat.

"No way in hell I'll touch that bastard." They both said in unison, glaring at the american.

"Zhat's enough, you two are going too far vith this brotherly fight. America has nothing to do vith zhis."  Germany shouted, wanting his dear friend to stop this behavior that doesn't suite him.

"He's right, lovi. This is getting ridiculous if you're gonna involve people who's just trying to make things alright." Spain agreed with the German.

The two brothers shared a look before moving their weapons to where they point at the other.

"Appena uccisione tu volere mi soddisfa." Romano mumbled in Italian.

"E divertente, si pensa di poter uccidimi. Ti ammazzo prima di avere la possibilità di sparare." Italy mumbled back a replied, smirking slightly.

"Il vigliacco è threating me? Non farmi ridere, spreco di spazio." Laughed bitterly Romano.

"E sei meglio? Ammettilo, si dispiace per te solo e vedere solo la vostra sofferenza." Italy said innocently when it's obvious what he said wasn't that sweet.

They both stayed quiet for a while, staring each other down. The countries knew they had to do something but what exactly should they do?

"Sembra noi abbiamo i nostri amici spaventare tutti, fratello. Lo facciamo continuare a casa?" Suggested Italy as he put his knife, much to the countries relief.

"Lo farò centrale la casa primo." Romano spoke, putting his gun down and left the room.

"Sorry for that big conflict. Ve~ we promise we wouldn't do that again." Italy brightly smiled before going after his brother.

Silence was the first thing everybody noticed. They were too shocked to even speak at first after witnessing what just happened.

They all thought one thing.

What the fuck just happened?

Time after shock past~

"Has anyone noticed their strange behavior before the meeting?" Germany questioned as everyone got to their seats.

"...I have." Whispered Canada. All eyes roam to him, now barely noticing he was in the room.

"Please go on." Germany nodded for him to continue his story.

"They were talking outside of the building where the meeting was supposed to be held. I called them out but....they didn't noticed me. They both were talking to each other, or pretty much yelled, in Italian so I had no exact idea what exactly they were talking about.... But I know one thing." Canada looked into Germany's eyes. "Whatever Italy said that time must have really angered Romano."

"Aha! No wonder my sweet Lovi is acting like this." Spain said as he lend back into his chair.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Germany narrowed his eyes, a feeling to defend his ally and best friend suddenly came to him.

"Italy made my Lovi extremely upset and that's all. I'm no saying he's the fault of course, just that Lovi was past his breaking point." Spain said, also having sudden feeling to protect his dear friend.

"It doesn't matter who started it, I just want to know why two sweet boys carried weapons without ever getting caught tirr now." Japan interrupt the soon argument. Everyone looked at him, agreeing silently.

"Why don't I hit them with my pipe and bring them here?" Smiled Russia.

"Erm, no need. Rets not do anything rash. Rets just sent a group to their house and watch them for a whire. After things carm down, we can tark to them." Japan suggested, not wanting to hurt his friends.

So they exactly that. They made a small group that contain 10 countries in total (A/N:ex-countries are still countries to me).

Germany, Spain, Japan, England, Greece, America, Canada, Prussian, Russia, and China.

"Every group need a hero!" Shouted America.

"Shut up, you dim wit." England rolled his eyes at America.

"Um, Greece? I need my personar space." Japan said as he tried to get Greece of him.

"....tire." Greece muttered, not moving a inch.

"Vhy don't I be my little birde's first kiss? I am more than awesome to be worth it." Smirked Prussian.

"I'm quiet, not innocent." Canada mumbled quietly. But Prussia was able to hear it and stare at him a mixture of shock and respect.

"What's wrong, Russia?" China asked as Russia seem more scarier than usual.

"They won't let me hit them with my pipe. It would been a faster my way." China sighed as his secret crush was sulking like a kid.

"Well, if things go wrong and it's super necessary, then you can use your pipe aru." China said with a small smile, hoping secretly that time will never come. Russia look at his friend and smiled, glad that there's a chance to hit someone or that his friend tried cheering him up, who knows for sure? Probably both.

"I guess we'll head out now." Spain said as he pack a few tomatoes.

"Ok,lets head out." Germany agreed, walking forward.

Time to find the secret the Italian twins are hiding.

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