chapter four

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Spain P.O.V (wasn't caught yet)

Oh, Lovi is acting like he always behaved....well maybe pointing a gun at his brother isn't really normal. More like abnormal, knowing how much he loves his brother and would never want to see him hurt. Romano hurting his brother intentionally is unimaginable.

Having them both fighting like they did earlier in the world meeting was also unimaginable.

I wonder what happened to the brothers....

Soon I  was out of my thoughts, feeling something wet on the bottom of my shirt. I looked and noticed Romano chewing it as he sleep.

"Romano, my shirt isn't a tomato. It doesn't even taste like one." I chuckle, pulling gently on my shirt out of his grasp.

"Sweet dreams, Lovi." I whispered, my face is only inches away form his. I guess I should look around.


Romano jumped, making our lips collapsed. We both freeze, feeling the warm and soft sensation still on our lips till we both pulled apart.

I could only stare at the now flustered Italian man as only one thing went through my mind.

We've just kissed.

"Well, we might as well go downstairs." We heard.

Before I turned to see who it was, I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek. I guess Romano is out of shock....

Narrator's P.O.V

"Well, that's gonna take some time to explain." Italy laughed as he went to the kitchen. "Might as well have you guys over for dinner."

"Idiot, what am I suppose to do?!" Romano shouted.

"Just have them entertain, they are our guests." Italy reply.

Romano muttered something under his breath before looking at us. "What the hell do you want?"

"Why don't we start with the girl, da?" Russia said, behind him is China holding the two suits they had found in the basement.

"Stuff happened, she was young, and we took her in. The end." Romano quickly spoke as he set the table.

"What type of stuff?" America asked.  Before Romano could say something, Italy shouted 'Pasta is done!'.

Soon they all ate, most hiding something from everyone; China with the suits, England with the small mental box, Canada with an article, Japan with his questions about the painting, Germany with his weird feeling that he can't understand, and the brothers with their secrets.

While eating, the girl named Amber enter the house. She took her own serving quietly after she put away the gelato and watched everyone as she ate.

"So, I see you found their suites Mr. China." Amber finally spoke, earning a glared from Italy and Romano. "...Or we can talk about later."

"N-no. By all means, please tell me about them, aru." China politely said.

"We can talk about that once we're done eating." Italy said, stuffing his face with pasta.

"Bastard, you should had use more tomato for the sauce." Romano grumbled as he did the same.

"Eh~ But you said I'm not allowed to use more than two tomatoes for pasta from you." Italy whined.

"Two?! He told me I can only use one! That's not fair!" Amber complained.

"Idiots! You two shouldn't be getting my tomatoes to begin with. Buy your own!" Romano shouted at them.

"Ve~ but you get your tomatoes from Spain for free! We should be saving money for more pasta!" Italy shouted back.

"Pasta!? We need more gelato and pizza!" Amber shouted, slamming her fist on the table. The two stared at her for a second before nodding their head in agreement.

"Fratello, I can't believe I was so blind... Pizza and gelato should always have a place in my heart like pasta." Italy mumbled.

"Bastard, they should already always have a place." Romano added.

Italy smiled and went to cling on Germany. "Germany! Look, we three made peace! Isn't that wonderful!?"

But Germany wasn't smiling. No country was, in fact. They all know that this is just the three of them trying to pull of answers as long as they wanted to.

The three of them glared as they understood they can't pull off the answers.

"...Fuck." Surprisingly Italy said, looking up at the ceiling before looking at them with a sad smile. "Are you sure we can't just forget about this?"

When no one answered, he just sighed and left with all the dishes with the help of Romano.

"Well, shall I tell since they ain't willing to?" Amber suggested. They all eagerly nod, not wanting to be in the dark any longer.

"I can't answer all questions, but I think I can answer some..." She smiled.

While the two Italian men wash the dishes, a few secrets will be shared...

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