Chapter six

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No ones P.O.V

Romano was the first to speak, his gun pointing at Italy with the same deadly expression he had last time in the meeting.

"Just killing you will satisfy me" Romano mumbled in like he did in the meeting.

"It's funny, you think you can kill me. I'll kill you before you have a chance to shoot" Smirked Italy, though everyone noticed his eyes didn't had that dangerous glint anymore.

"The coward is threatening me? Do not make me laugh, you waste of space.." Laughed bitterly Romano. Italy eyes seem to spark up now, but no country could made sure it was there since it was gone in a instant.

"And you're any better? Admit it, you just feel sorry for you and only see your suffering." Italy smiled innocently, which falters to a smirk before it changed to a smile. "Always poor me, it's always me in pain and no one sees or cares. It's stupid, don't you see?"

Something changed now, everyone noticed. When the tension made its appearance, no one knew. This was now wasn't part of the rehearsal.

"Ha, and you who always fucken think playing an idiot and faking is how you gain real friends knows what their talking about? I seriously wonder how do you expect to have real and honest friends if you can't be honest at all." Romano said coldly, his grip on the gun-once slacking-was firm.

Silence consumed the room, tension as strong as it can come. Everyone watched the Italians closely, wondering what to do.

Italy finally sighed, shaking his head as Romano mumbled something his breathe. "Sorry got carried away. At the end, we basically agree to continue at home due to it being an inappropriate place and time to be fighting."

"Wait, that's all!" Whined Amber,"I wanted to see some action! Like, boom boom pow!"

"Well." Romano said, glaring at everyone."It's getting late and everybody knows where the door is at. Thank you for being fucking bastards."

"Ah, I'm staying over Lovi!" The Spaniard shouted as he glomp Romano, quickly taking the gun away and throwing it on a nearby table. "Isn't that great!"

Romano groaned glaring at Amber as if it's her fault, which she sheepish smiled before awkwardly waving before heading to here room.

"And of course, the rest of us are going to stay here as well! I'm the hero after all!" America laughed before he ran upstairs in great speed.

"I think that's a good idea." Germany said quickly before Romano could decline. "I bet we have more questions and we want answers. We just need time to clear our heads first."

"Ve~" Italy nodded before glancing back Romano, who ignored him as he tried to get out of Spain's hug. " We have guest rooms, but not enough for everyone have for themselves."

And with the two pairs stayed the same (Germany and Spain since Spain forced Romani to share a room, leaving Germany with Italy), they shared a room.

As soon as everyone stayed their good nights and closed their doors, silence forecast the entire house. Everyone out from being tired, dead asleep.


Sorry for not updating, i have no excuse expect I'm lazy and such. So I wasn't sure what I had in planned cuz I didn't expect people to like this, but now I have an idea what I want to do!

So please bear with me and such!  Other than that, have a lovely day or good night!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2016 ⏰

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