chapter five

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"Have you heard of the mafia?" Amber questioned the countries.

"Dudes! I think she's talking about the Mafia game! It goes like this, first there's a person that is the Mafi-"

"Sorry America but I'm talking about in real life. You know, like a gang." Amber smiled at him as she continued explaining. "Like a gang, we have rivalries, fights, and we act like a family. But like a gang, we must be extremely careful and we have a boss for the mafia."

"Yes, I think we know the majority of the mafia. But why wourd it concern with our friends?" Japan clearly wanted to go straight to the point.

"Well, they were once in the mafia... Even though Romano was the boss and Italy was the underboss, both were equally strong and respected." Amber started. "They met my grandmother when she was 25 at the time. Apparently they became great friends. Even when she did left the mafia because she got pregnant with my mom, they continued to be great friends.

As years past on, she noticed how the two never aged. That was also the time when my mother and grandmother learned about them being countries. They were shock of course, but soon got over the fact and acted if nothing was out of normal the next day.

So they all have there happy ending of having no secrecy or drama.... Until there were certain people who held grudges against them when the three of them were in the Mafia. So when I was just a month old, they attacked and killed my family. When the two came to the scene, they saved me from being killed and made sure no survivors were to be heard of again... In the end I ended living with them and-"

"Became a pain due to a certain obsessive turning point." Romano interrupted as he walked in with Italy.

"Ve~ But that's been a loooog time since the Mafia, so I think it's best to forget about it." Italy smiled, Amber frowning slightly.

"Wanting you two snap and show your dark sides isn't me being obsessive." Amber said as she noticed China unsure with the suites. Standing up and walking to him, she ignored Russia's glare and dark aura, and reach for the suites with a smile. "Actually, these are the famouse suites they wore when they were in the Mafia. I remembered keeping a picture my grandmother once had, want to see it!?"

Probably due to the fact everyone wanted some type of proof they all waited for Amber to come with the picture and stare intensely at the Italians.

"How long have you guys kept this secret from us?" England asked, wanting to know as much as everyone else.

"Ummm... Lets see, we have the Mafia going on for a while before we decided to join, which was somewhere the 1920s.... And today is?" Italy looked at Romano for an answer.

"2015. So we basically kept this secret for about 95 years, do your own calculations bastard." Romano said as Amber walked to the table to place two pictures. "Wait. When did she took the first one? That's a sucky shot of us, I have only half of my face!"

"Let me see!" Italy said as he looked over his brother's shoulder. "Mmmm, I think that was the one she tried to take but we ended up tickling her cause we didn't want our pictures taken."

"Dudes! I can't believe you actually took part of the mafia and never told us!" America shouted, getting a glared from Romano.

"Like your fat ass and your British boyfriend dig holes in front of my house without any permission." Once Romano said that, it didn't took long to shut America up and have him and England blushing heavily. Not of guilt and shame, but at the fact he said England was America's boyfriend.

"I'm guessing Amber had been living with you two for a good ten years now, right?" Japan asked, wanting to have a conversation going. But to his surprises, as well others, the two looked utterly amused as Amber looked like she wanted to cry.

"V-vhat's vrong? Is zalking about zhis forbidden, is she highly sensitive about it!? Vhy are you zwo LAUGHING!?" Germany was now shouting at the two men as they laughed they ass off.

"Ahaha-she's...hahahaha... N-not ten, s-s-she's a-actually i-in hehehehahaha.... C-c-college!" Italy tried to say he kept being interrupted by giggle which turn into more laughter.

"Shut up! Height has nothing to do with life...." Even though she said that, everyone could see the tears in her eyes.

"Hahaha! That's so sad, so I'm letting the awesome me be your friend!" Shouted Prussia as he grinned at the depressed girl (?).

"Thanks, Prussia. You're way awesomer and kinder than these jerks " Amber said as she glared at the Italians as they continued laughing.

"Lovi? I think the girl is starting to look a tad dangerous." Warned Spain as everyone except them noticed the dark aura.

"Don't worry, tomato bastard. She's all bark, but never a single bite." Romano smirk as Italy smiled slightly at his brother and Amber's stare off.

"So what about the accident in the meeting, where you two were.... Um, all mafia?" Asked quietly Canada, which (surprisingly or not) everyone heard and looked at the brothers for an explanation, who in turn glared at Amber.

A dark aura was created between the brothers as Amber tried shrieking down.

"Well, like Romano said. She became very obsessive to see our dark sides. So she had been adding tons of problems and stress for us." Italy said as he eyed her carefully. "And then she made us believe we, erm... Betrayed the other and became even more tense. Which soon lead to that..."

"All that fucken crap we had to deal with, that was like hell." Muttered Romano.

"Hehehe, well too bad I didn't saw huh? Sure was something I bet." She smiled sweetly.

"What did you guys said to each other, aru?" China asked.

"We weren't able to understand, so do you mind telling us?" Japan asked as well, curious as well trying to get Greece off him.

The two brothers stared at the other before nodding in agreement.

"Oh! And use your weapons and excellent expression!" Amber shouted, the two clinking their tongues lightly but did it whatever so.....

Haha! I published! Anyways, gonna tell you pasta lovers that I will update slowly due to high school. My first year in it and I'm already having slight drama to deal with. Bye bye!

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