chapter three

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Germany P.O.V

I heard Italy singing in a distance, guessing that he's in his room's shower.

Taking this to my advantage, I decided to look through his room first. I quietly enter and close the door behind me. While I finished checking through his closest, I heard him stop singing. In a flash, I hid in his closet and bury myself in his clothes.

In a couple seconds, he opened the closet with only a towel wrapped around his waist. Mein gott, I never had imagine myself in this situation as a soldier or me simply.

It seems like he didn't noticed me and grabbed a shirt and a pair of pants. Gazing slightly up to his face, I noticed how he didn't had the usual bubbly and happy aura, instead he had a cool and calm aura. Soon enough he left and went to change.

Everything seem crystal clear as I watch him through the cracks from the closest door provided. He was already half dressed as I watched him. His chest was exposed and his hair was slightly damp. I felt my face heat up as I see him like this with a calm gaze.

Mein Gott, I sound like a pervert. He's my best friend! I can't see him like that way. Plus, I've already seen him undress to the point he only have his underwear (Italy is simply like that, so dont get any ideas), why am I so flustered to see him like this right? Maybe because he hadn't been acting like himself.

"Germany. The strong and masculine man, strict and heartless at first glance. But inside he's kind, warm, and sweet." A female voice spoke. I turned my head to notice that a small girl was on his bed. When did she appeared there? I was pretty sure no one was in the room when I enter.

"Japan. A honorable man who will never give up half way, keeps to himself, and respects personal space." She spoke again, holding a picture. Why is she speaking about us? Who is she?

"Can you please enter the house normally? It'll be awful if my friends see you entering my house through a widow." Italy said calmly. Italy knows her?

Now I think back, Romano said something about a guest. Is this who he was talking about? I wish I could get a better look of her... Maybe if I jus- Bam!

"Germany?" I looked up from the floor, looking straight into the Italian's eyes. He was about to say something else, till bang was heard somewhere in the house.

"You." He turned at the girl, looking at her seriously. "Take him downstairs, that's where Romano is taking a nap right now. Tell him to keep an eye on him, I'm gonna look around for other intruders."

He glance at me hesitantly before walking away, leaving me with the small girl.

She looked like she was a elementary schooler. She amazingly had orange hair with red eyes. She was holding a picture that Italy had the three of us take.

"Well, we might as well go downstairs." The girl smiled at me, walking out of the room and me following behind.

Once we reached downstairs, we witnessed a Spaniard being slapped by a certain hothead Italian. I sighed to myself, I was kinda hoping he won't get caught.

"Lovino! Slapping is for us girls!" Laughed the girl, capturing the attention from the two.

"Why is the potato bastard here?" Romano said as he glared at me.

Now that I noticed so far, the two Italian aren't acting as they usually are when a girl is near. They usually go and say 'Bella' and flirt with them. Now they act as if she was just a close guy friend.

"Potato bastard? Rude but creative." She smiled as she plot down on the couch.

"Who is this little cutie-" Spain smiled, seeming to comfortably at being found.

"I'm not little." The girl interrupted, glaring surprising darkly at him.

"Don't mention her height, or describe her small. She hates it." Romano sighed.

"Feliciano told me to keep on eye on Germany. He's looking around the house, cause that's how paranoid he is." The girl soon started smiling again.

"Wait, you called him Germany?" Spain asked, surprise the girl called me by my nation name.

"Of course, Spain. It is naturally since I have no information about your or his human names." She seem to enjoy the attention and confuse looks she received from Spain and I.

"No more useless and stupid talking. We'll wait here for Feliciano before we say anything." Romano said. After he said that, Japan and Greece came downstairs. Along with my brother and Canada entering from the backdoor, with Italy behind.

"Ve~ I hope you guys should've told us you're gonna come over." Italy smiled, probably hoping he could still act as if nothing is wrong. But with the tension in air, it was obvious it won't work like he wants it to.

"I guess, you want an explanation about earlier, right?" Sighed Italy. We all shared looks before nodding out head.

"I ain't gonna take this crap, I'm gonna buy some gelato." Romano said as he head outside just to freeze once he open the door.

Outside, the front lawn was filled with holes. In one specific hole, there was England and America talking about something.

"What the fuck!" He yelled, getting their attention.

"England! America! Please come inside, we know everyone is here to spy on us already~" Italy shouted, montioning then to enter. When they did, they made sure to keep distance from Romano.

"Amber, go and buy some gelato okay? Romano is to stay and explain this with me. No way in hell will I go through this myself." He said, glaring at Romano as he give the girl-Amber?- some money. She smiled and left without saying anything.

"So, since my idiot brother is forcing me to stay, what do we have to say?" Romano said, glaring at us. There was silent, no one was sure what to say or even question them. I guess I'll break the silent.

"Everything." I simply said, staring into Italy's eyes.

How much secrets could this man have?

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