Chapter 9

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* the next day

* Noah  changed into a white shirt and some jeans

* Noah said bye to his dad

* at the location he was meeting Charlie at

Charlie : noah
Noah : hi i thought you weren't going to come
Charlie : I wasn't but I turned up
Noah : just listen
Charlie : okay
Noah : I like you it hurts every time I stand next to you all I want to do is kiss you every time you come near me I have this feeling and when you kiss me I don't want to stop Charlie you make me do things I don't do you make me feel things I haven't feel before
Charlie *smiles grabs his hand : what are you saying Noah
Noah : it'll take time but I need to figure this out what I feel I can't hurt Sara
Charlie *nods : do what you have to do but I'll wait for you
Noah : good

* they hugged and Noah left he was meeting Sara

Sara : hi I missed you * goes to kiss him
Noah * pulls away : Sara we need to talk
Sara : okay
Noah : you are a nice person and I don't think us will work
Sara : are you dumping me
Noah : yea I'm sorry
Sara : why
Noah : Sara you deserve better I'm going through some things trying to figure it out
Sara : is it to do with your mom
Noah : no goodbye Sara

* he walked off he goes home

* Noah arrives home

* Jackson was there with Lucy

Lucy : you're dad is working late he told me to come here
Noah : okay

* Lucy went out had to pick up Tamara from a friends house she left Jackson at the house with Noah

Jackson : how are you Noah
Noah : fine * he's playing with his hands
Jackson : something bothering you
Noah : promise you won't tell dad especially Lucy
Jackson : of course I promise
Noah : how did you know you liked boys
Jackson : I saw this boy in my year I liked being around him I loved every time I kissed him he made me smile laugh everyday Noah are you trying to figure out something
Noah : couple weeks ago Charlie kissed me
Jackson  : you're best friend
Noah : yeah
Jackson : you like this boy
Noah : yea I told him I need to figure out something he said he'll wait for me
Jackson : then you do what you think is right
Noah : you don't tell dad or Lucy
Jackson : no I promised Noah
Noah *nods

* Noah headed to bed he didn't want to eat he changed into his pyjamas and he lay down and he fell asleep

* hope you liked this chapter

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