The Gift

547 19 106

It's a typical night where nothing eventful is happening. We are just back from a tiring day of rehearsals for the first leg of the tour, and apparently me and Seonghwa had the same idea: to do a live. I have just showered and I wanted to talk with Atiny a bit, but I can hear Hwa talking in the other room, and I think it's pretty pointless to do two different streams at the same time, it would just divide the audience between me and him. So, I decide to close my live and join Seonghwa in the other room. At the same time, San comes out of the bathroom, all freshly showered and in comfy clothes.

"Sannie, I'm going to join Hwa in his live since we were streaming at the same time, care to join too?"

"I haven't shaved though..."

"No one's going to notice. Besides, the TokToq filter will cover that. C'mon, join us!" I say in a pout. He can't resist me when I pout. He rolls his eyes and smiles.

"Okay, okay, stop pouting, I'll come as well."

"Yes, but, hide the boxers! What if he changes the framing."

"Yah, shut up, okay?"

"Okay, okay." I reply in a mellow voice.

"Why do you act like that? You're an idol, Wooyoung-ah!"

"Hey, this isn't my room, it's yours!"

The bickering goes on, oblivious of the fact that everything is being well recorded on Seonghwa's live, perfectly clear for all Atiny to hear. Hwa can't but facepalm and hide his face while blushing for the second-hand embarrassment.

We join Seonghwa on the sofa and start talking about the concerts that are coming, the rehearsals, the whatever. San is sitting in the middle and at a certain point, I notice something that I really, really don't like: he's not wearing the necklace I gifted him on his birthday. And being the subtle, calm person that I am...

"San-ah, you're not wearing your necklace."

"I brought it with me though!"

I immediately look under his t-shirt, and, yes, I'm right. The necklace is nowhere to be seen.

"But you're not wearing it!"

"It's because I just showered!"

Bullshit. Now I'm pissed at San. I spent hours in that shop, searching for two necklaces from the same brand that would suit our different styles, only for him to put it in the suitcase and forget about it? I already heard him saying it's too heavy to wear it everyday - okay, I was eavesdropping, but I heard what I heard - and now he pulls the stupid shower card? He's lucky we're on live and I'm not going to take it further now, but if he thinks the matter ends here, he's wrong. Terribly wrong.

The live goes on and at a certain point I suggest a change of framing to shoot all three better. San, who then says he hasn't shaved his legs either, gives me a hard slap on my ass before quickly changing spot with me and going out of the frame. As much as I'd like not to show it, my face probably gives away a little too much the fact that first, I'm used to such antics and second, I enjoy it quite a lot. Atiny are too vigilant and always in search of clues about what Woosan really are, and I highly doubt they'll miss all this back and forth. I mentally curse myself for asking San to join us in the live, and Seonghwa is probably going to give me one of his speeches after we're done.

And so it happens. As soon as he clicks "End live", his razor sharp eyes lay on me and he says "You two just couldn't act normal for once, right?"

"This is our normal." I say, nonchalant.

He huffs. "You know what I mean. Talking about boxers of all things, looking into San's t-shirt? Acting like the offended boyfriend and you-" he looks as San, who tries to turn tiny in the sofa "You couldn't keep your hands to yourself? What is it with you and butts? Do you have a fetish or something?"

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