Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: backstory pt.3

I didn't know what happened, to be honest, I wasn't knocked out for that long.

I mean I woke up almost immediately, but I was in a complete daze. What the hell happened? It was like I was struck in the face with a baseball bat

The moment I opened my eyes, I was greeted by a pair of shiny bluish-grey eyes.

And I'm not exaggerating when I say the proximity between me and Umemiya Hajime was barely 3 inches apart.

I could feel my face heat up and my heart felt like it would jump right out of my chest. I don't know what I was feeling, this is the first time I've experienced feeling this way after looking at someone. It felt exactly like when I first saw Umemiya, he was just so pretty.

I could feel steam coming out of my ears from the embarrassment,

"I think your nose is broken," He said, he then held my chin and turned my head left and right to examine the injury, "Yep, it's definitely broken,"

I quickly snapped out of my daze and swiped his hand away from my face,

"W-W-What are y-you d-d-doing!" I stuttered defensively, I still didn't understand why I was feeling extremely nervous with him, "D-Don't t-t-touch me!"

"Oh, sorry, my bad," He quickly apologized, "But we should really bring you to the hospital, I'll call Yuki-sensei, stay put,"

I started to regain my senses once I noticed he was about to leave,

I remember now, I got sucker punched in the nose by this guy. I lost with just one punch.

This was the first time I ever lost to someone.

"O-Oi!" I quickly called out to him, "I want a rematch!" Umemiya just stared at me like I was insane, "I was caught off guard with the last fight, that's all!" I added defensively,

"I am not fighting you anymore," He repeated, he noticed I was not having it, he knew I would not let this go and would still challenge him whether he agreed to it or not, "We'll get you to the hospital first, after you're healed then we'll fight again, how does that sound?"

I was not contented with the idea of having to wait for a rematch I couldn't accept my losses but my face was in so much pain I had no choice but to agree to his condition.

Umemiya let out a frustrated sigh and then kneeled in front of me with his back facing me.

What was he doing?

"Get on," He instructed, I still didn't understand what he meant, "I'll carry you to sensei,"

"W-W-What?! N-No w-w-way!" I stuttered nervously, no way was I going to climb on his back my pride would not let me, but more than that, I felt flustered just thinking of myself getting that close to Umemiya.

I don't know why I felt incredibly embarrassed, shy, flustered, and giddy about getting too close to him. Why am I feeling this way? Is it because he was very pretty? Am I intimidated with pretty guys? Why would I be?

"Your nose is still bleeding profusely, we have to rush you to the hospital as soon as possible," Umemiya told me but I still didn't want to get on his back. Not in a million years.

"I am perfectly capable of walking--," I said as I got up from the floor but the moment I stood up, my vision started going blurry and my head was spinning, I almost fell down but luckily Umemiya caught me before I could.

"Told you~" He teased as he helped me climb on his back and gave me a piggyback ride to the house to find Yuki-sensei. I was too dizzy and weak to complain, I felt like I was about to pass out at any minute.

I am a girl after all [WINDBREAKER - Umemiya Hajime]Where stories live. Discover now