S2 Ep10: This is the End!

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"Alright Mr. Tang let's start you off with something easy!" Sandy says giving the scholar a small weight. Pigsy was grilling some food. Tang grabbed the weight from Sandy being dragged to the floor instantly.

"Good try! Umm what's your name again?" Rumble says trying to be nice but forgetting his name cause they just met a couple days ago. "It's Tang" the scholar mumbles from the floor. Then Mk jumps up with a bunch of sand flying up with him. Mk then falls backwards and a green dragon appears behind him.

Mk lands upside down then noticed a green blast about to be blasted at him from the dragon. Mk doges the blast then Mei appears. "Monkie Kid, so it's come to this" Mei says in her best villain voice then does an evil laugh. Then she realizes Mk disappears. Mk then becomes tiny and goes behind Mei then becomes giant.

On the drones railing a small shadow monkey was watching the training play out, criticizing everything the two could have done better on. "If the dragon girl would have paid more attention, then she would have realized the boy became small however that was a smart move on the boy's part. However the boy wasn't really planing and just hoped for the best outcome which is never a good idea." Savage mumbles.

"Sis whatcha doing?" Rumble says while hopping onto the railing then snuggles up against his sister. "I was just watching those two idiots train. Anyway how have your injures been healing?" Savage says.
"The've been healing good, Sandy said I should be able to take the bandages off in a few days!" Rumble says excited. "That's good"Savage says smiling at her brother.

"Snack break" Pigsy says holding a tray with 7 bowls of noodles on it. Everyone but Savage runs over and stares at it amazed and hungry. Everyone except Savage takes their noodles and starts eating it. Pigsy walks over to Savage. "You gonna eat?" Pigsy says. "Yeah" Savage responds and grabs his bowl then starts eating it while still sitting on the railing.

Suddenly a there's a blue blast from the city. Savage and Rumble look at each other before Savage motions to follow him into the drone to hide. Rumble looks at Savage then looks at Sandy unsure then looks back at Savage and follows her. They go inside and hide with their food and Mo follows them. "That's probably not good" Mei says and they rush over to the edge to see what happened.

Suddenly a giant spider bot appears and Mk gets flashbacks of LBD. "Spider Queen?" Mei says. "No it's something worse" Mk says then hops of off the drone and goes to attack it but goes through a spell instead. The others try to go help but get blasted back by the drone moving. "Tang what are you doing" Pigsy yells. "I've got a bad feeling about this, Pigsy" Tang replies.

Mk tries to use his powers but he can't and the spider bot lands on him. "Mk" "Kid no" Mk then breaks the bot by becoming bigger but a seal appears and Mk goes back to his normal size. "Yea Mk" Sandy says. "you won, that's my boy" Pigsy says. "Yeah show that itsy bitsy spider who's boss! You've go mad skills yo" Mei says. "Uhm Mk I get the feeling you aren't telling us something" Tang says.

"A few weeks ago I met someone" Mk says. "Ooo do tell~" Mei says. "No not like ugh! Remember when we fought DBK I said he was different and Spider Queen attacked and she was stronger. I was trying to protect you, keep it a secret but it was all this girl she calls herself..." Mk says then gets cut off. "The Lady Bone Demon" a voice says and everything turns a blueish tint. Mk turns around to see LBD standing there smirking. "A girl let's get her" Mei says as everyone jumps up to fight. Mei summons her green dragon and the sky turns a greenish tint. "No wait" Mk says.

LBD's hair turns white and sends the team flying into the drone. "No!" Mk yells. "You've done well Mk, master so many powers it seems you are ready to meet your destiny" LBD says. "Yeah yeah destiny, schmestiny you saw how fast the kid dismantled your little bone toy right" Pigsy says then get his upper half of his body stuck inside the drone.

"Pigsy!" Tang says worried. "That was part of the plan, I do apologies for what come next" LBD says and she summons another even bigger bot. "It's even bigger then before, Mk, no" Mei says. "That's not good" Mk says while dodging. Mk then makes his clone and tries to attack but they suddenly all poof. "Mk the more powers you use the more..." Tang yells being cut off. "Powerful I Become! Very observant" LBD says. Mk then gets grabbed and starts being squeezed. "Think little, think little" Mk says. "Oh trying to shrink that's not going to work anymore" LBD says. "I'm not gonna let you win!" Mk says struggling. "In your thirst to destroy me you used all your powers" LBD says.

"Not all of them" Mk says reaching for his staff. "Here comes Monkie Kid!" Mk says grabbing the staff using it to escape causing an explosion freeing his friends. "Monkie Mech he's doing it!" Mei yells. "Show her what you can do kid!" Pigsy says. LBD giggles. "What is this?" Mk says. The Monkie Mech is grabbed by LBD's Giant Mech. "Now do you understand, from the start you never had what it took to defeat me! All your power could do is make me stronger!" LBD says then destroys the Monkie Mechs head. "No!" Mk yells. Now I will undo the memories of this world" LBD says.

Mk tries to attack her with the staff but she stops it. The staff falls. "What no I can't lift the staff" Mk says. The staff then starts gets covered in ice. "Please stop, no don't do this" Mk says crying while his hand is covered in ice. Do not lament your fate child, you can rest knowing you served your purpose, destiny has found you" LBD says.

Suddenly Wukong appears in front of Mk. "Monkey King your really here?" Mk says trying to stop his crying. "Destiny cannot be undone Sun Wukong" LBD says. Wukong looks at his staff then looks at Mk. "Let's test that theory" Wukong says smirking then grabs Mk jumping off. "Wait no what are you doing?" Mk says. Wukong uses the last of his power to make his cloud. Wukong and Mk crash land onto the drone.

Wukong looks back looking upset about his staff then looks towards Mk. "Mk" Mei says while everyone is checking to make sure he is ok. "Hey bud miss me" Wukong says while theirs a few cracking sounds. "Where were you? You could have stopped this. We could have... we have to go back, we have to take her down" Mk says upset. "We can't" Wukong says. "No I'm going back im gonna get my staff and finish this" Mk says.

"the staff is gone bud and I'm in no shape to face her neither of us are. I didn't get back in time" Wukong says. "Back from what your vacation?" Pigsy say angrily. "Pigsy" Tang say. "No, what could have been so important that you'd leave Mk alone to face that, that thing! You're supposed to be his mentor!" Pigsy says. Wukong looked down upset. "Enough!" Sandy yells. "I think we should let Mr. Monkey King a chance to explain" Sandy say. While everyone is just surprised that Sandy yelled then look at Monkey King.

"All right all right I was never on vacation" Wukong says then exhales. "During the fight with Spider Queen I found out Lady Bone Demon was back. She's bad news, I needed something to fight her something so powerful even she wouldn't be able to win, a weapon" Wukong says. Mk exhales. "Ok a weapon, hey if you think you can beat her let's go find it" Mk says determined.

"What no your not going I'm going" Wukong says. "What you chose me I can help we all can" Mk says. "Yeah so here's the problem, you guys have this thing called mortality so..." Wukong says but gets cut off. "Umm you're not looking so immoral yourself Mr. King" Mei says. "We can do this, we're strong together" Mk says determined. Wukong exhales. "Fine" Wukong says giving up.

Mk and Mei start repeating the word yes over and over. "But it's not going to be easy, in fact it's going to be really really dangerous" Wukong says. "Okay so where we heading?" Pigsy says. Wukong pulls out a map giving it to Mk. "Well I guess we're going on a journey to the west" Wukong says. Then the drone flys off into the distance.


☆・ A/N:

How's it going everyone hope you're having a good day/night! I hope you enjoyed! See you all next chapter!

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