Extra Chapter II: Fights

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I fucking remembered how Charlie and I used to be in these missions – we were brutal in a pretty awesome way. I would say that we were one, but his greed for money outstood mine by a long shot.

As I helped with the stuff, the boy came up behind me and hugged my legs, I wanted to kick him away, but I didn't want to have my balls handed to me by my wife. She was fierce when it came to learning compassion.

I wasn't anywhere near that as I crouched down to the boy, who had trouble looking into my eyes. Probably because I was scary to him.

"Are we going to die?" He asked in a whisper.

"Maybe yes, maybe no." I flicked his nose as I answered him honestly.

"I want to fight with you like spiderman and robin hood."

"Your mom would have my ass."

He widened his eyes as he covered his mouth and giggled. I realized my mistake as I warned him not to tell his mom or Bonnie.

We couldn't continue the conversation because my phone vibrated with a text that stated Dalton's whereabouts. I was going to end this bitch.

Taking deep breaths, I knew I had to do this without the girls. The kid just ran away to play with his toys after we settled their stuff in or what remained of it. Bonnie came inside the lounge with leggings and an oversized sweater, her eyes dived deep into mine and she always knew how to get to me.

She approached me with furrowed eyebrows. "Don't tell me you're going to go."

It was comical how I was a professional manipulator on missions, but she blew my cover easily when she was around me.

"Yep, I am and you won't be coming with me, you got that?" I was determined to get my order across, "I mean it Bonnie, the agents are outside and inside for the extra security. You will stay with Victoria and the kid."

She shook her head as her eyes turned frantic. "You will get killed if you go by yourself."

I scoffed at how she had little faith in me, "I'm not alone, look." I showed her the vest under my shirt and the jacket that had multiple sharp gadgets and small shooters, I only had to open my jacket and shoot.

That's what I called badass technology.

She wrapped her arms around me, seeing that I wouldn't surrender what I decided and looked up at me with glassy puppy eyes.

"Just be careful, I want you in one piece."

I leaned my head halfway for a kiss and she tilted her head to deepen it — I couldn't deny the electrical ecstasy in form of tingles through my chest. It was even better than my toys.

I would do anything for my spunk.

We pulled away and I gave her a kiss on the forehead. Then paused to tell her that there was a picture of me in case she missed me.

"Oh, screw you." She replied with a laugh.

"Already done that." I quipped before I heard the door close. I patted the agents to take care of the house and they nodded robotically.

I communicated with the gang via my little recorder chip that was on the hem of my jacket as I started my car, then looked at poker faced Reign that was on my right side, "spill the info, Reign." I snapped as I stepped on the gas pedal and we sped away.

"We caught the truck, it's on Lanes Avenue. Our guys are surrounding them."

"How many of us were killed?"

"Only two." He answered instantly.

"And how many we killed?"

"Five." He replied.

That was enough warning for them as I stopped the car and we got out to check the situation. They purposely cornered the car until they had no escape but to fall over the ditch on the sides of the road.

I had my men trick the police into thinking it was a special top secret government issue with my connections. I missed the feeling of fucking things up for people, especially after a mad man came up to me, also known as Renan, Dalton's second hand and the one in charge for the truck shipment.

"What the fuck do you want?"

I whistled as I rounded him, "more like, what I want from your leader," I carelessly clarified. He tried to attack me but I tutted as I opened my jacket to let him know about my precious babies. "Nu uh, little boy. You don't want to get me excited."

I noticed the way he faltered as he backed away. The scenery looked beautiful with all of them tied up to each other into one big rope. My men were as creative as me.

"Dalton is expecting us in five minutes, you don't want to mess with his shipment."

I laughed at the idiot, and looked at him, "then call the lady back home and tell him Maddox wants to talk. I don't have all night, you know?"

He growled. "I'll mess with your wife then." He taunted and my fucking demons came out of me as I shoved him on top of the frontside of my car.

"Say that again, you fucktit." I sneered, nobody talked about Bonnie and came out alive.

"Okay, okay, I will call him."

"Perfect. Good boy." I patted his head as my hand stayed around his neck. His pulse increased against my fingers and I knew that I got to him.

He called Dalton and I could hear how angry he got at his man. He agreed to meet us anyway.

Reign shot the lock open but it had a code to the truck, so I had to corner Renan a little extra with my knee on his balls.

"The code is 9008." He whimpered out like a chick.

I signalled the number to Reign and he frowned at me when the code didn't work.

"You know I don't like being tricked." I aimed the gun on his head as he trembled frantically.

"I swear it was the code." His eyes wide in my favorite emotion, fear.

"The code is with me, Maddox."

I smiled at the steely voice behind me and I turned around to face him, letting Reign capture the idiot that tried to run away from behind me.

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