chapter seventeen

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THE ALCHEMY chapter seventeen
jude bellingham.
may 2023

messages between ollie & jude



was wondering when u
were gonna message me

ugh im guessing u saw jacks post


it's not like that

he was asking me if there
was anything going on
between us and i said no but
at the same time it's still like
a bit confusing

and he was like so
jude is the problem

jude is the problem is CRAZY

he didn't actually say that

i just did

i don't really care tbh

i'm just so confused on why
harlow and ur weird ex are
saying stuff

you tell me

maybe she's angry bc i
told her to fuck off??

you told her to fuck off??!

yeah that's defo why

she probably recruited vinnie as well

nah don't project ur
crazy ex on mine

yours is crazier so it was
defo her who started it

idk i think urs is pretty crazy

we didn't even know eachother
when u and him were together


didn't he also cheat on u

thanks for reminding me jude

appreciate it xx


at least my fan girls like u

they've became my fans

i see urs welcoming me back
into ur insta likes

very warm welcome ur getting

i didn't get that when u first started commenting and liking from urs

mine are obviously bigger fans

all teenagers who want you to
stay single for life so they can
dream about you

they're gonna be in for a
shock when we start our

i was wondering if it was still on


i've changed my mind


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