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Malang's heart felt lighter after his conversation with Netra. Her unwavering belief in him was like a warm blanket on a cold night. As they walked back to the apartment, he couldn't shake the feeling that maybe, just maybe, things were going to be okay.

Back in the apartment, Sanjay uncle was watching the news. He looked up as they entered, a questioning look in his eyes. Netra quickly explained that they had gone out for golgappas.

"Golgappas, huh?" Sanjay uncle chuckled. "Reminds me of your childhood days, Netra. Always dragging Malang along."

Malang smiled, the memory of those carefree days washing over him. As he settled on the sofa, he couldn't help but think about the stark contrast between his life in Dehradun and the one he was building in Mumbai. The city was a world away from the quiet, familiar rhythms of his hometown, yet it held the promise of a future he couldn't even imagine.

As the evening wore on, a comfortable silence enveloped the apartment. Malang found himself drawn to the balcony, the city lights twinkling like a million fireflies below. The city that had once seemed overwhelming now held a certain allure. It was a city of contrasts, of dreams and disappointments, of endless possibilities.

Inside, Netra was busy with something on her laptop, her fingers flying across the keyboard. Malang watched her for a moment, a sense of contentment washing over him. He had found a place to belong, a family away from home.

A soft notification sound broke the silence. Netra looked up, a smile spreading across her face. "You'll never guess what I found," she said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Intrigued, Malang walked over to her. On the screen was a flyer for a photography workshop. "This is perfect for you, Mahi!" Netra exclaimed. "It's a beginner's workshop, but the instructor has a great reputation. And the best part? It's happening next weekend."

Malang's heart pounded with excitement. A photography workshop? In Mumbai? It was almost too good to be true. He looked at Netra, his eyes filled with gratitude. "Netra, you're amazing," he said, his voice filled with emotion.
Time skip

Meanwhile, in the heart of the city, Neel was navigating a different kind of world.

The rhythmic pulse of the metropolis beat in sync with the relentless pace of his life. His days were a monotonous cycle of boardroom meetings, client calls, and the weight of expectations.

Tonight, however, was different. A sense of restlessness had crept into him, a yearning for something more than the gilded cage he found himself trapped in. He had ditched the suit and tie for a more casual look, hoping to shed the image of the dutiful son and heir.

A text from Ishaan pulled him out of his thoughts. ‘Ready to hit the town?’ The message was accompanied by a grinning emoji.

Neel hesitated. The idea of escaping the confines of his structured life was tempting, but the fear of disappointing his father loomed large.

Ultimately, the desire for a night of freedom won over his apprehension. He replied with a simple ‘On my way’. As he stepped out into the bustling city, he felt a surge of adrenaline.

Today, he would be Neel, not the Kapoor heir. Today, he would live.


Neel was about to enter the imposing glass doors of the building when a sudden collision knocked him off balance. He stumbled back, apologizing profusely as he helped the stranger to his feet.

As Neel extended a hand to help, his eyes met Malang's. Malang was frantically checking his camera, his face a mask of concern. The camera, a prized possession, had taken a tumble. Relief washed over Malang's face as he confirmed it was unharmed.

Neel, oblivious to Malang's distress, was waiting for an acknowledgment. "I'm so sorry," he repeated, raising his voice slightly.

Startled, Malang snapped out of his reverie. "Chilla kyu rahe ho? Sunai de raha hai mujhe!" he retorted defensively.

Neel sighed, shaking his head in amusement. "Just making sure you're okay," he clarified. "Is your camera alright?"

Malang nodded, still a bit flustered. "Haan, thik hai."

Neel turned to leave, but Malang's hand shot out, gripping his wrist. Both of them froze, their eyes meeting in surprise.

Embarrassed by his impulsive action, Malang quickly released Neel's wrist. "Sorry," he mumbled, his face turning a shade of crimson. "Actually, can you tell me where this address is?" He held up a crumpled piece of paper.

Neel glanced at the address and pointed towards the opposite building. "It's right there," he said, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Malang thanked him, his embarrassment momentarily forgotten. As he turned to leave, he couldn't help but glance back at Neel. There was something about him, a mix of arrogance and vulnerability that intrigued Malang.

Neel watched Malang disappear into the crowd, a small smile playing on his lips. There was something undeniably charming about the boy's raw, unfiltered nature. "Yeh pakka Mumbai ka nahi hai," he muttered to himself, shaking his head.

With a final glance at the disappearing figure, Neel turned and headed towards the music club, where Ishaan and the others were eagerly waiting.

The music pulsed through Neel's veins, drowning out the cacophony of thoughts. He moved with a fluidity that surprised even himself, the inhibitions that usually held him back melting away in the heat of the moment. It was as if he'd discovered a hidden part of himself, a part that craved expression, that yearned to break free.

The night blurred into a kaleidoscope of colors and sound. Neel lost track of time, dancing until his body ached with a pleasant exhaustion. As the first rays of dawn began to paint the sky, the club emptied out. Neel stumbled out into the cool morning air, feeling exhilarated and strangely empty at the same time.

He hailed a cab and leaned back against the seat, closing his eyes. The events of the night replayed in his mind, a montage of flashing lights, thumping music, and the exhilarating freedom he had experienced. And then, there was  the boy with the camera and the unexpected outburst.

Neel couldn't shake the image of his wide, startled eyes. There was something about him, something raw and authentic that resonated with a part of Neel he had long forgotten.

As the cab pulled up to his apartment building, Neel got out and took a deep breath. The city was waking up, and with it, a new day was dawning. He couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed, something profound.

And as he stepped into the familiar confines of his apartment, he knew that the journey of self-discovery had just begun.

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