Chapter 3

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        After we learned that our old pack was coming back, we decided to drive out into the middle of nowhere. It was a place we knew, that we liked to visit when we were having a particularly bad time. It was desserty, and there was an old abandoned house with a skate-boarding rink in the back. It was very broken down, and graffitied. Partly our fault.

We pulled up with our arms all wrapped around each other. I thought......I just wanted to find peace. We all did. But with them coming could we? Or maybe this was just the closure I needed. Who knows? But I'm not running this time. I'm going to stand my ground.

As soon as I walked into the house (if you can even call it that) I found old wood planks and picked them up, walked outside and started breaking everything. It may seem stupid, but we brought hammers and baseball bats too. We destroyed the ceiling, the walls, the floor. Anything we could get our hands on. I always had fun when we did this. We even had music. And when we got our anger out by breaking things, we would goof off. Jett and Metalia with their skateboards, me and Dade with rainbow colored smoke bombs, Donny and Brian with their....well drugs....and Yasmine and Gage with nothing but their love for each other. We had a blast. Jumping up and down to the music around a fire we made outside, lighting our smoke bombs and watching the rainbow smoke fly, making out, beating the crap out of the walls with our baseball bats......this is the kind of people we are now.

Laughing we all sat in a circle around the fire and held up our lit smoke bombs. I leaned back against Dade and stared into the fire thinking about my mate. I didn't even know his name. He didnt know we were here or that he was going to see us, see me. I'm sure our families looked for us after we ran, but we weren't easy to locate, and clearly they never did. But they weren't my parents anymore, and if I saw them, which I only would do if I had to, I would tell them that. Jensen was the only parent I had now. Well and his mate. No one from our old pack knew we were here. They weren't expecting us, so it was going to be a surprise. I'm sure they called other packs asking if we were there, but lets face it; the world is huge, and there are thousands of packs. And Jensen wouldn't have called them because we didn't want him to. Not that it ever crossed his mind.

"What are you thinking about?" Dade whispered in my ear. "Your di-" I started but was interrupted by Donny screaming out. All of our heads snapped in her direction as she curled up and held her neck screaming out the most pained scream I have ever heard. Brian desperately tried to comfort her but he didn't know what to do.

"What's happening?!" Yasmine asked frantically looking scared . "Her mate marked someone else." I answered in sorrow. The next few weeks were going to be very hard for her. Hell the rest of eternity was. Me and Dade exchanged looks. We were the only two in the group who's mates had marked/been marked by someone else....or should I say each other.

I scooted over to Donny and tried to calm her down but she was screaming so loud and rolling around in pain. The others looked mortified. For the first time in years they looked scared. They had thought the pain couldn't get any worse, but this was proving to them otherwise. "Is that......going to happen to all of us?" Yasmine asked looking like she couldn't bear the thought of going through it herself.

 "I don't know. Maybe." I said not sugar coating it. "I can't go through that! I won't survive!" She panicked scooting backwards into Gage's lap. "Yasmine calm down you WILL survive. You're strong, and you've got us." Gage said soothingly. She stopped talking but she was still breathing heavy and I could still see the fear in her eyes.

Donny had stopped screaming and was now shaking in her curled up position on the ground. Brian scooted over to and ran his hands through her hair whispering soothing words. Later when Donny was okay again (as okay as she could  be) we left, driving back to our own small guest house next to Jensen's. Our pack wasn't too big, but it was exceptionally strong. The main people who lived in or near the pack house were to be there to greet our old pack. Us included. Better to get the hard part out of the way.

We pulled up and climbed out and made our way inside, Donny heavily leaning against Brian for support. They would be arriving here any moment. I sighed and told myself I could do this. I'll just be my normal, witty, rejected self. Nothing can touch me. I told Jensen what happened to Donny and he stayed near her trying to be supportive. A lot of people from our pack were there, but we just sat at table in the family room drinking beer. "They're here!" I heard someone shout.

"Oh god I think I'm gonna die." Donny muttered. Me and Dade were just sitting drinking our beer and trying to prepare ourselves. I was sitting in Dade's lap wondering if I could really handle this when I heard the front door open. I didn't even flinch or glance their way. I would just stay out of his way and keep to myself. For now at least. I heard families walk inside and make conversation. "Fate I know what you're thinking, and you CAN handle this. We both can. You know, actually I'm sick of the way we all act all the time. We CAN be happy! We're just not trying hard enough." I gave Dade a sympathetic look still on his lap before sticking out my lower lip. "My poor Dade still in denial." I said lightly pinching his cheek.

 "I'm not in denial," he said but he smiled anyway.

"You're the one who's in denial." He retorted.

"Me? In denial about what?" I asked. He leaned closer to me till his lips brushed against my ear. "That I can make you feel just as good as your mate can," he whispered in a husky voice making me laugh. We were interrupted by the sound of shattering glass. We both turned to look at a boy and girl staring at us wide-eyed. Our mates.

___________AUTHORS NOTE__________

Hey everyone! So I don't know how well this story will do......I think it kind of sucks actually haha it took a different turn than expected so I don't know if I'll continue it. And thanks soo much to all my new followers! You mean the world to me, thank you! Anyway picture is the group with their rainbow smoke balls, and the video is basically showing what happened when they detsroyed that house and lit a fire. It shows how they dress, how they act, what they're like, it's just really perfect for the story. You've probably heard the song xD So I hope you enjoyed! Thanks soooooo much for reading! Vote, comment, and follow if you liked. Thank you!!! :) :) :) :)

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