Chapter 5

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_____________________________FATE'S POV_____________________________


              I braced myself as I hit the ground, my shoulder and side taking the brunt of the impact. "Shit," I said rolling over, back onto my stomach and popping my shoulder in the process. "Uugh...what the hell?" I murmured getting up. Everyone was yelling and pointing and fighting and swearing, and I just stood there pissed for a minute trying to figure out who it was that knocked me to the ground, but it was hopeless. Everyone was moving so fast they were practically teleporting. It would be impossible to tell who it was. I assessed the situation for a minute before bursting out laughing. The whole thing was hilarious. Calmly walking towards the table I poured myself a glass of whiskey which I was most definitely not supposed to have but they just left it laying around, and they knew underage people were going to be here so it was on them. Besides who serves WHISKEY at a welcoming party?

I gulped the whole thing as Yasmine came running up to me.

"Have you seen Jamie? I mean no, no! Not Jamie, Gage! I should be looking for Gage right? No, just, have you seen Jamie?"

"Who the fuck is Jamie?" I asked exasperated, but she was already running away. Shrugging I held up my glass just as it shattered in my hands. I growled frustrated, and turned to see an almost hysterical guy standing there not even noticing he had just broken my glass with the fork he had thrown for some unknown reason. Oh well at least he didn't hit me,  or he'd have hell to pay.

"Donny!" He shouted. He cupped his hands around his mouth to shout again but didn't get the chance as Justice shoved him from behind. "Derek! Why the fuck are you looking for her?! You mated Brianna you dumbass!!" I chuckled and brushed the broken glass from my hand and sauntered over to them.

"Ya Derek, you mated Brianna. No big deal though Donny is about to be marked by Gage, they've been planning it for awhile now. She'd apologize for the painful inconvenience but you didn't seem to give a shit about the pain you caused her as SHE screamed in agony. I guess it doesn't matter either way though, you should be excited even! After all, once that's done your bonds will be practically broken!" I finished. I've always known just what to say to really hurt people, just what to say to get under their skin, and just what to say to get them to THINK. And once they start thinking they take care of the rest. They think and think and twist things around until it eats them up inside and drives them crazy, all with a few words. 

His already panicked eyes grew more frantic as he wildly looked around. "I didn't know I didn't KNOW, things weren't set, she can't be marked!" I narrowed my eyes as my taunting mood vanished and my fierce, protective one set in.

"Why do you care? This is what you wanted, you made that very clear when you marked Brianna. No, actually you made it clear when you rejected her." I said gesturing around us before taking a threatening step forward.

Derek ran his hands through his hair frustratedly. "No no that was an accident!" He insisted, and my mood became even darker. He was trying to convince me he literally marked  another girl - on accident? Bull. Fucking. Shit.

"Derek!" Justice hissed. "It wasn't an accident! You love BRIANNA!" Justice hissed almost desperately.

Derek quickly shook his head. "No! I don't want-"

We were interrupted by Donny bursting into our circle breathing heavily, followed by a similarly flustered red head.

"Donny!" Derek breathed out.

"Brianna wait!" Donny screeched.

"Derek!" yelled the red head who I now knew to be Brianna. Now I was seriously confused.

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