Chapter 4

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        When my eyes met his incredibly shocked ones, I suddenly couldn't remember why I hated him so much, only that I NEEDED him, I had to hold him, I had to touch him NOW. I didn't understand why I was in so much physical pain. Then it all came flooding back. He rejected me. He didn't want me. He did more than not want me, he said I was a hideous slut. He said no one would want me. The pain. The pain I had felt since that fateful night was so very intensified. It was a thousand times worse seeing him again. I could barely stand it. It took every FIBER of my being to remain still. Everything I had not to get up and pull him towards me and lay the most passionate kiss of my life on his lips. It took EVERYTHING - I had, to simply scowl at him.

We all sat there staring at each other, the four of us, not exactly able to process our current situation. I don't know how long we stayed there until the stupid bitch who had her arm linked through my mate's broke the silence.

"Well how perfect is this? Fate sweety I didn't think you were still alive! After you were......well rejected I'd assumed you'd taken your life, but I see you two found eachother! What a match! If you can't have the best you might as well settle for less!" Part of me wanted to throw myself at my mate's feet and beg for forgiveness and for him to take me back, even though I had done nothing wrong. That part I was ashamed of. But his 'new' mate's words had helped me regain control of my feelings. I felt a growl building in my throat.

"Oh honey you're mistaken. You did us a favor. Dade is AMAZING in bed." I parroted her sickly sweet tone. I watched her eyes darken, and her teeth clench. Based on my own feelings I knew she still wanted him. My own mate looked furious. He took a menacing step towards us and growled. "Get your fucking hands off my -" The girl shoved him and gave him a rather pissed off pointed look. "Brandon!' She hissed. I was too shocked to say anything and on top of that I felt like I said all I was literally capable of at the moment. I felt weak and pathetic. Damn him! Luckily Dade had recovered.

"Did I hear that correctly? Yourrrrr.....?...she's not YOUR anything. You lost everything the night you rejected her, including the right to place claim. She's mine now." He said with a smirk smoothing out his features. I have no idea how he could act so calm and cocky. My emotions were a mess! And he just sat there looking completely unaffected! He just HAD to teach me that! After all we've been through, with his mate standing right there in front of him with another man, the very same man who MARKED his mate, and he looked completely at ease. In front of the woman that broke his heart. I was able to turn away from my mate and gaze at Dade admirably. How could his mate reject him? Oh I was so going to have to reward him tonight.

I unsurprisingly found I was a lot more comfortable looking at Dade than I was looking at Brandon. Knowing Brandon and his 'mate' were watching I softly kissed Dade's neck, partly to infuriate them, and partly to reassure myself. Dade didn't seem to mind though. He tightened his arm around my waist and leaned toward me kissing my cheek. It was then I knew he was right. We COULD be happy. Dade was perfect for me. We were a team! We could move on. He seemed to read my thoughts as he grinned ear to ear and lightly grabbed my chin pulling my face towards his. I was a bit distracted though. More than a bit actually considering the love of my life was only a few feet away from me but I was willing to do everything I could to appear indifferent, like I was totally unaffected by his presence which was so obviously the complete opposite. I hate how attracted I was to that jackass! I wish I could just move on easily like humans do from normal break ups. But alas he was, in fact, my soulmate. That wouldn't stop me from pretending though. I smiled back and leaned more into the kiss when I was suddenly thrown off of him.

Rejected By The RejectedWhere stories live. Discover now