Chapter 7

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___________________________FATE'S POV______________________________


                        I woke up in a room that reminded me waaay too much of a hospital. I was relieved to see I was still wearing my own clothes and not some sort of hospital gown or something. But my casual attitude slowly dissapeared when I began to remember why I was here in the first place. Brandon, Dade, Justice.....all factors of the brutal events that had occurred. I was actually pretty surprised to find the pain had completely vanished and I was left feeling numb. Almost too numb but I guess that's better than what it could have been.

But I suppose I was still feeling vulnerable because my thoughts immediately went to one person feeling nothing but concern. Brandon.

Was he alright? Did he get hurt as well?

Before the wicked thoughts could continue I mentally slapped myself, then punched myself for good measure. I had to remind myself that feeling ANYTHING towards Brandon aside from loathing was sinful. Well at least it was to me.

I looked up and finally noticed two people arguing at the door to the room, but oddly enough I couldn't hear a word they were saying.....even though they were a mere ten feet away. Noël I recognized, and a clićhe doctor-looking guy carrying a clipboard, who PROBABLY worked with the pack but I didn't have enough interest to make it my business knowing everyone that was involved with my pack, so I wouldn't technically know.

Noël was pissed off though, judging by her stance and the way she appeared to be shouting at Mr.Doctor with wild hand gestures. I couldn't help but feel bad for the guy.

And slowly, bit by bit my hearing returned and I caught pieces of their conversation.

"No. Absolutely NOT. My babies are under no circumstances going back to that hellhole!" Noël shouted throwing her hands into the air.

"I won't allow it! This should've been anticipated! I have no idea how anyone possibly thought this could work. They can't be together. It's DESTROYING them. You said it yourself! Bleep no!"

I smiled to myself at her use of "swearing", but the impact of what she was saying started to sink in, and I slowly began wondering if I was the only one affected by the whole ordeal. Maybe I wasn't so weak after all. Noël noticed me staring and quickly rushed to my side at an impossible speed.

"Fate sweetie, how are you feeling? Are you in shock? Pain? Can I get you something? No I'm just going to get you some water I'll be right back," It was obvious how much she cared and before I could stop myself my hand shot out and grabbed her arm, pulling her back down to my bedside.

"Noë Dade....?" I let myself trail off in question. She was quick to reply though as her hands took mine covering it gently as she began to reassure me.

"Oh he's fine, he's in another room. I knew you'd want to see him you two are inseparable! I don't know why the bastar- ...faculty, thought it best to keep you apart." She quickly corrected.

She reached out to stroke my hair and for once- I let her. But I did want to see Dade. Badly as a matter of fact, but first I had to know what happened. So that's exactly what I asked next.

"Oh sweetie," Noël sighed. "I assume you know everything up to your own collapse....but after that happened Dade lost it. He was all over you, so concerned the poor thing. He was only trying to help."

She frowned fingering her necklace while gazing at the wall behind my head.

"And?" I urged her impatiently.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2015 ⏰

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