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Lucy can't believe what she saw in front of her, "Huh- I-" Gray suddenly covered her mouth with both hands, "Shh... quiet," Gray said. They hide behind the huge rock that covered the half of the cave. After few minutes, the guards get outside of the cave and left.

"Why did you runaway?" Gray asked while sitting on the ground.
Lucy sit next to him and replies, "Long story..." she looked down after she answers Gray's question.

"Want to come with me in the village?" Gray offers as he showed a smiled to her. She faced to Gray when he offered that. "Wait what? What if my parents saw me their? They'll force me to come with them again," Lucy said as she faced to Gray while frowning.

Gray stand up then faced to her, "Trust me!" he said with a smile showing to his face also while offering his left hand to her.

"You serious?" Lucy asked with a serious face appearing to her face. Gray decided to hold both of her hands then run. The sky turns slightly darker, "Hey Princess, it's going to rain let's find a place-" Gray stopped talking when she saw Lucy closing her eyes standing and feel the rain that's dropping already.

They're in the forest where Gray always hide whenever someone wanted to fight with him he is not afraid of them he doesn't want to waste his time for useless people like them.

He saw how Lucy was ignorant when the rain starts to pour. On Gray's mind, many questions already go through his mind when he saw the princess staring at sky and feel every rain that drops on her. But Gray still brought her to his home secretly.

"Sorry my house isn't big enough," Gray said as he takes off his wet polo shirt. Lucy covered both of her eyes with both hands when she saw Gray stripping. Gray chuckled as he walked near to Lucy, "Here's a towel," Gray offered. "NO! PLEASE NO!" Lucy shouted because she thought Gray's going to rape her.

"Come on Princess, "Gray said as he grabbed Lucy's both hands with a serious face showing, "KYA!!!!" Lucy shouted while her face turned pink as the rose. Suddenly, Gray's cousin Cana walked in to Gray's house. "GRAY!" Cana shouted madly, for few seconds Cana just realized that the one that Gray's talking to was the princess. "Gray, is that the princess?" Cana asked curiously.

Gray replies, "Yes this is the princess," Cana smacked him with a barrel on his back, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO THE PRINCESS!" Cana said exasperatedly. Lucy stopped Cana for hitting Gray on the back she explained, "Stop! He saved me! He didn't do anything to me!" Cana did stop; she put down the barrel back where it was. Cana breathes in irritateness when Lucy defends Gray for doing and blaming him for nothing. Lucy helped Gray to get up from the ground, "You okay?" Gray nodded his head.

Cana suddenly walked upstairs and give something to the princess, "Here Princess Lucy, you're wet changed your clothes, I'll send you to my room to change," Cana offered, pretending to be nice to her even though she hates her already for defending Gray. When Lucy was done changing, "Woah, you look good with that dress," Cana said. Lucy bowed, "Thanks," she replies back with a smile now, "You're welcome!"

"Gray, what you think?" Lucy said cheerfully while spinning herself to his front. Gray couldn't answer, to his face it looks like he saw his future wife, he gape, "My cousin hmmm, " Cana teased. Gray thumbs up, "You look beautiful wait opps- I mean um-" Lucy laughed when Gray can't resume what his going to say about her look.

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