Tenroujima Island

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The guards caught Gray and Lucy running. Because of that, Gray climb on the tree while carrying Lucy. He brought her to his tree house near the bridge on the way to where Lucy lives. "Are you okay?" Gray asked like he is out of breath. Lucy nodded her head with a smile. His tree house is covered by a lot of dead flowers and long green leaves. So, the guards from Heartfilia's palace won't able to see them.

"We're safe." Gray informed her while still looking out to make sure the guards are really gone. He received a hug from her when Gray faced to her. "Thank you!" Lucy said while sobbing. The beat of Gray's heart is getting weird when Lucy hugged him. It's getting faster and faster. "Oh," Gray said in shocked.

They stayed their until the sun has finally rise and Gray woke up, he panicked because Lucy was not on his side. He abruptly went down then looked for her while shouting her name wrongly, "LUIGI! LUIGI!" Gray shouted. Someone tapped his back, so, he quickly turned around to expect it is Lucy. "It's not Luigi, it is Lucy." Lucy said with a smile and eating an apple. Gray rolled eyes then take a deep breath, "You should not just walked around without me! It's dangerous you know that?" Gray said tapping her shoulders. A shot from a gun was suddenly heard coming from Heartfilia's palace.

"What is that?" Lucy said as she quickly run to check where is it came from while holding Gray's hands.

"It came from the palace," Gray whispered while grouching. "Oh, I guess it's happening again." said Lucy as she bend her knees close to Gray. She suddenly faced to him then stare, "Gray, how come your girlfriend let you do this?" she asked. Gray unexpectedly never thought that question would come from her own clean mouth.

"Why are you asking me that?" Gray asked before answering the main question. She giggled a little then shake her head as the answer to Gray's side question. "We loved each other so we've got that 'trust' you know what I mean?" he answered with smile.

She gave Gray a tap on his back while she's helping him to stand up. "What is that for?" Gray asked. She winked him then went up to Gray's tree house without Gray's help. "Whoo..." He muttered.

*Gray Povs*

I wonder what happened to her. She asked me weird stuffs, oh geez. Maybe, she's trying to pay me back for all the help that I did to her. This is it Gray, I can finally earned her trust.

While I was eating the apple that she gave me, I noticed her staring at me with a smile. "What?" I asked. She keeps smiling at me like she wanted something from me. This girl is freaking seducing me, I can literally feel it.

She walked and sit next to me then gave me a book, "That's for helping me." she told me. Where'd she get a book? What the heck!?! She's acting weird today.

"Why are you acting weird today?" I asked. Well, she's asking me personal stuffs so why don't I ask her the same thing. "I'm happy, that's all I can say for now." She said smiling like there's no tomorrow. "You're really cute..." I said chuckling.

On the following day, Lucy and I went back to the village to pack up my stuffs and she got to change her clothes. I didn't tell Cana what's my plan to Lucy because if I did, I know she will stop me from doing this. I leave a letter underneath Juvia's rug. I have to go to Tenroujima island because I need Gildarts to help with this.

-Time skipped-

"Where are we?" Lucy asked when we arrived in Tenroujima island. It is a quiet place compare to the village, but there are some deported people from the village lived in this island now. One of the king and queen deported was Gildarts, Cana's father. She doesn't want to him because she thought her father, my uncle, left her.

"Oh we're in Tenroujima island," I answered as I faced to her holding her soft left hand. She never let go of it since last night. She must be really afraid of everything. hahah poor princess.

*3rd Povs*

The rain started to pour because of the gloomy weather. "Rain again?" Lucy said as she faced to Gray while holding an umbrella. "Well, want to walk? no one will know you here." Gray stated. She nodded her head. Lucy thought that Gray made all of her wishes come true, but she does not know that Gray is using her for revenging.

It took them fifteen minutes to arrive in Gildart's home. He was kind of surprised because Gildart's didn't know the princess. He thought it is Gray's girlfriend.

"Oh really? she's pretty and decent hahaha," Gildarts giggled.

Gray rolled his eyes with a grin, "Nah, anyway Cana missed you so much." he said. Lucy interrupted their conversation while drinking a tea, "So, you're Cana's father?" Gildarts tapped her head while nodding his head.

"What's your name?" Gildarts asked while smiling. When Lucy told him her full name, Gildarts' smiley faced transformed into normal. He grabbed Gray outside then told Lucy to stay inside.

"What's with you? is she the princess?" Gildarts whispered.

"Yeah, this is our chance," Gray replied with a serious face. He punched him on the right cheek for being stupid, "You only care about yourself Gray! Using someone won't make you any happier at the end!" Gildarts shouted.

Lucy heard Gray fell down on the floor, so she quickly went outside to check, "What's going on?" she asked. Gildarts scratched his head while fake smiling, "Oh, we're just having fun!" She helped Gray to get up, but he refused to it.

"I always lose to him haha haha," Gray faked laughed.

*Lucy Povs*

I wonder what does Mr. Gildarts meant about using. Does Gray doing something that I didn't know? There's like a thousand of questions that I can't answer about him. He looks nice and gentleman, but for some reason maybe there is a thing I didn't know about him.

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