23 | unfamiliar with feelings

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| Minjeong

Today, everyone at school would gather around the Sakura tree and gift each other chocolates or whatever equivalent they had.

And what am I doing?

It's currently 6 am and I'm at track practice with Yujin, running as many laps as possible.

Why? Because Yujin, Ryujin, and I already exchanged chocolates under the tree as soon as we arrived at school. Ryujin, on the other hand, skipped today's practice to prepare something special for her girl under that tree tonight for this school's special event.

Ahhh... feelings, so troublesome. And to think I just realized I had someone I liked yesterday—I don't even want to think about it!

I have so many other things on my mind to better think about, like what Imaginari has been doing to mess up my thoughts and emotions!

I mustn't get too attached to the characters in this world... Sigh. But I guess that would be unavoidable considering some of them have already become close to me.


I quickly shook my head, trying to avoid thinking about her.

"What's got you shaking your head?"

Yujin asked as she appeared beside me, effortlessly matching my pace. Being one of the athletes with a high amount of stamina, she didn't even look tired compared to me.

Hahhh, I wish I had her stamina... I think I'm reaching my limit.

I'll stop and take a rest after this last lap.

Snickering at Yujin's question, I glanced at her and let out a huff. "Yujin, do you really have no one special to give sweets to?"

"Pfft, I thought we already had this conversation at the convenience store!"

"I just want to confirm."

"Ah~" Yujin hummed, "Well, I don't... Not yet, anyway."

I raised my brows, "Not yet?"

"Yep~" Yujin slowed down, and I matched her pace. "I'm interested in someone though... but not in that crush, admiration, or love way, you know?"


Yujin nodded, "I should probably tell you this." She cleared her throat. "It's that girl who likes you. Wonyoung, was it?"

"Wha- REALLY?"

Her revelation caused me to completely stop in my tracks, which she followed and burst out in laughter.

Yujin is interested in this world's villainess?! ...Well, that is understandable considering the villainesses in webtoons are often made to be the prettiest to garner attention from the readers. Therefore, background characters would aimlessly fall for them.

It wouldn't even be an exaggeration to say Wonyoung's got a Mt. Everest of admirers—but then again, I don't really understand what Yujin means by only being "interested" in her.

"I think you got confused about what I said just now."


Yujin laughed as she grabbed my wrist, pulling me to sit beside her on the grass near our sports bags. "Okay, how do I explain this..." She grabbed the bottle of water beside her bag and took a sip. "I'm only interested in her as she always catches my attention."

I furrowed my brows in confusion, "So you don't like her or anything?"

"Yep~" Yujin raised a thumb and took another sip of her water before putting it beside her bag. "Let's say it's similar to your situation with how you think about your girlfriend."

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