66. Good Memories

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The final bell rang, echoing through the halls of the school, and almost instantly, the building erupted into cheers. Laughter and chatter filled the air as students poured out of classrooms, their excitement palpable as they celebrated the end of the term. Grayson stood off to the side, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, watching the chaos unfold. The noise was almost too much for him, but he couldn't help the small smile that tugged at the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, Gray!" a voice called out.

Before he could react, Julian barreled into him from behind, practically leaping onto his back. "One more grade, and I'm in high school!" Julian announced, his blond hair bouncing with enthusiasm.

Grayson rolled his eyes and gently pried Julian off, his lips twitching into something that almost reflected a smile. "Get off, you idiot."

Julian just laughed, unbothered, and practically skipped to where Russell and Milo were waiting. Russell was fiddling with his phone, his expression relaxed, though Grayson could see the nervous tension in his shoulders. Milo stood next to him, his usual easygoing grin firmly in place.

Savanna joined them, her hair bouncing as she waved goodbye to Maya, her voice bright. "So what's next, guys? We're gonna be high schoolers soon!" she exclaimed, her excitement infectious.

Milo nodded, clapping his hands together. "Can't wait."

"I just want to get back on the team," Russell added, a hint of anxiety creeping into his voice. "Hoping Miles gets to graduate soon, though. The whole team's tense with him around."

Milo chuckled, resting a hand on Russell's shoulder. "Yeah, that'll be the day. But at least then we can all breathe easy."

Savanna turned her gaze to Grayson, a playful smile tugging at her lips. "What about you, Gray? You gonna go for basketball or soccer?"

Grayson shook his head, barely paying attention. He hadn't really thought much about high school. Everyone seemed so eager, ready to dive into the next chapter of their lives, but all he could feel was a gnawing sense of dread. The idea of moving forward, of having to face more unknowns, felt overwhelming.

"I don't know," Grayson muttered.

Julian must have noticed the shift in his demeanor because he nudged Grayson's arm with a bright grin. "Don't think too hard, man. I bet Batman's gonna call you up to be his next Robin."

Grayson mustered a weak smile at the joke, but it faded just as quickly when Julian looked away. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was lurking on the horizon, something that would shatter this moment of peace.

A car pulled up in front of the school, and Raymond waved from the driver's seat. Julian was the first to bolt toward the car, his enthusiasm drawing a laugh from the rest of the group. They all piled in, the conversation picking up where it left off, but Grayson remained quiet, lost in his thoughts as they drove away from the school.

The ride was loud and chaotic, with Julian forcing everyone to sing along to some terrible country music. Grayson didn't join in, but he found some comfort in listening, in watching his friends let loose. It felt like a brief reprieve, a rare moment where everything was simple and good.

Raymond pulled the car over at the edge of a sprawling field, covered in pink and green grasses and dotted with wildflowers. The setting sun bathed the landscape in a soft golden glow, making it look like something out of a painting. The teens fell silent for a moment, mesmerized by the beauty of it.

Raymond stepped out of the car, placing his hands on his hips as he surveyed the field. "Welcome to the Field of Expressions!" he announced grandly. "You get to shout whatever you want. Just let it all out."

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