Chapter 1

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FrostKit- He/him

HailKit- they/them 

SnowKit- she/her 

ColdKit- he/him

BlizzardKit- they/she 

IceKit- she/her 

NeedleHeart- she/xer


It was a pleasant day, the trees had finally started to defrost from winter and spring was poking itself out. Delicate flowers that seemed fragile enough to be snuffed out with a single breath had begun to open their wafer thin petals.

The members of Sycamore Clan were a buzz with chatter, prey was laid in the fresh kill pile, patrols were assigned, and cats chatted together. In all everything was chugging along with a very warm and fuzzy feeling.

Meanwhile under the fallen tree and rocky cove that was the clan's nursery the kits were up and about. A few were playing moss ball under a Queens watchful eye, two were sitting in timeout with glares being shot back and forth periodically, and  4 kits were laying together on a rock.

FrostKit sat with HailKit in a shady corner of the nursery. FrostKit flicked his ear nervously before turning back to his sibling with a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Hey uhm HailKit" he said slightly nervously.

"What FrostKit?" HailKit said cocking their head to the side in curiosity well squinting their stormy gray-blue eyes ever so slightly to look at their brother.

FrostKit's ear flattened and he glanced around to make sure nobody was listening go him "Okay so I have a crazy idea that I'd like to bounce off of you". HailKit perked up at this looking at FrostKit with a spark in their eyes.

"Uhm so I was thinking ,how about we run away from our clan and make our own!" FrostKit whispered with barely contained excitement. His intake of breath so quick ,like he'd never get another.

HailKit was lost in thought for a second weighing the option before they whispered back eagerly "sure that sounds awesome, we should get the others though!" As they got back to their paws. And motioned for their brother to follow them.

FrostKit got up shaking a few pine needles of his fur and he looked at HailKit nodding. "I honestly didn't think you'd agree" he said sheepishly and they both began to run towards Snow kit, Cold kit, Blizzard Kit, and Ice. 

"I'm your siblings mousebrain, I'm following you anywhere!" HailKit said smirking at their brother as they waved at their four other siblings to get their attention. FrostKit smiled back at his siblings.

BlizzardKit looked up as the duo came towards the group, they dully smiled in greeting, FrostKit got very close to the four others and whispered to all of them. HailKit standing nearby watching for any wise authority figures who probably would talk them out of the totally smart and safe plan.

"Okay so me and HailKit were talking and we agreed that we're gonna run away! We've decided to ask you guys to join us as well!" FrostKit whispered giddily. Glancing back to HailKit who gave the best thumbs up they could give without a thumb.

BlizzardKit pondered this for a second. She didn't really have a strong opinion either way, the plan was juvenile and probably going to get them in trouble ,but they'd need her to save them when they inevitably got themself into a near death experience. "Sure" she said mildly flicking her tail and holding in a small comment in "so you two don't get yourselves killed".

SnowKit and ColdKit looked at each other for a second, seemingly in a silent discussion before both turned and nodded with a whispered "Okay we'll come". BlizzardKit had expected the duo to agree. SnowKit was a naive and sweet kit who would probably come for her siblings and ColdKit would come because he didn't like being bullied by the older kits and young apprentices.

The only one to not give an answer was IceKit who mutely nodded. IceKit didn't talk, BlizzardKit didn't even know her voice ,but None of the siblings really cared. IceKit was IceKit and that was enough for all of them.

"Okay so, tonight we're gonna sneak out" FrostKit declared with HailKit nodding vehemently behind him. FrostKit puffed out his chest and his eyes shimmered in the setting sun. Fragments of light made his eyes actually seem like a storm stirring and stewing with crackling lightning. 

Night came faster than you'd think, it seemed like only minutes maybe seconds before they were being tucked in by their mother NeedleHeart. NeedleHearts soft grey and white fur rubbed against  Xer's kits. Her soft eyes a mix of a million different colors.

FrostKit tentatively pulled himself out of his mum's reach as he signaled his siblings who did the same. ColdKit was especially shaky as he forcibly shut his eyes when he pulled himself from Xer's grasp.

HailKit walked across the nursery's floor soundlessly. The pine needles helping muffle the small amounts of sound they made when walking. IceKit was by far the quietest though,  gliding across the floor like a ghost. 

HailKit and their siblings slipped through the small hole in the wall that was only natural when your wall was made by a conveniently fallen tree and some rocks.

FrostKit brought a stick with him, he had told them it was for the travel or something. He maneuvered it through the hole with a bit of effort. HailKit hadn't taken anything, they didn't have anything if real sentimental value to bring. BlizzardKit had a woven baskets in their mouth that she said was to carry stuff they found, atleast they had one smart person. ColdKit brought a reed woven mouse toy full of pine needles and small pebbles that he was quite fond of. SnowKit brought a silky bow she'd been given by one of their fathers, she planned to tie it around her neck or tail later. IceKit brought a few shiny stones in a similar basket to BlizzardKit, she didn't give any explanation but that was fine.

The group walked through the pine forest for a while. Their eyes darting back and forth paranoid of possible predators lurking obscured and hidden. Their paws hurt and they were all about to head back when the reached the river.

The river was a foamy thing that would whisk you away and tear you to shreds if you dare get to close. It basically surrounded an island of land that no cat had ever entered due to the tall and thick shrubs that surrounded it like a fortress.

"Soooooooo any bright ideas?" BlizzardKit said looking at FrostKit and HailKit. FrostKit seemed to be Frozen with a blank expression but ColdKit piped up from the back "I have an uh I-uh-idea" 

The entire group turned to ColdKit who whimpered ever so slightly before continuing nervously "so we uh uhm all w-work together and push that really fragile and nearly snapped t-tr-tree over uh there to form a uh bridge" as he pointed to a thin tree nearly snapped in half by who knows what.

"That's a great idea ColdKit" SnowKit said smiling and nudging him friendlily. He smiled back and then said "so what are we doing, l-let's go". 

The six kits began to push on the tree with as much power as they could manage. Right as they were all about to give up the tree finally snapped and came crashing down making a fragile bridge to the other side.

Each kit crossed tentatively, expecting it to snap in half which it did right as BlizzardKit had made it across. The water quickly swallowed it up into the roaring current leaving the 6 kits shuddering.

FrostKit began to try and force a hole through the foliage but BlizzardKit nudged him basket still in their mouth. "Let's find an entrance that's not right across from our old clans territory". 

"That's so smart!" HailKit gasped. FrostKit motioned forward and all six began to look for a natural entrance along the Shrub line. They had made about a semicircle when they final,y found a decent size entrance they could fit through.

They all gasped at the beauty of the hidden island. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!


Hi thanks for reading the first chapter. I am actually really liking the writing manual that wattpad has :D - July 17 2024

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