Chapter 9

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NeedleHeart- she/xer

FrostPaw- He/him

HailPaw- they/them

SnowPaw- she/her

ColdPaw- he/him

BlizzardPaw- they/she

IcePaw- she/her

Honeybun- They/it

FirFur- they/them

BarkLeaf- he/him

CinnamonSwirl- she/her

OwlFeather- he/she


"Hey SnowPaw can we talk?" ColdPaw said anxiously. He hoped he wasn't intruding in on her personal life to much. Okay that sounded kinda dumb, he was literally someone in her personal life.

"Oh uh sure?" SnowPaw said confusion seeping into her tone. Why was ColdPaw asking to talk? SnowPaw wondered what ColdPaw needed from her. Maybe he just wanted to hang out? They hadn't hung out in awhile.

The duo walked over away from everyone. ColdPaw cleared his throat, his eyes darting around paranoidly. "So uh how have you been doing?" He said trying not to mumble. He somehow managed to keep his stutter in check.

SnowPaw was incredulous, that's why he called her over here? She thought he wanted to tell her something important not ask for her well-being. Granted her well-being wasn't the most wave of the paw thing.

"Could be better" she said dully. SnowPaw was currently mentally debating on how much to share, if she was going to share her mental struggles than ColdPaw was her cat of choice. She should communicate, she wasn't gaining anything from her wallowing.

"Do you want to talk about it?" ColdPaw said before continuing, "I just noticed that you didn't seem that well uh happy" he said shifting his weight slightly. 

"Oh that- I'm just- *sigh*, okay i'll be honest ColdPaw. I'm having second thoughts about this whole thing, we're just running into things aimlessly! I'm tired, I don't know why I don't find stuff fun anymore- I'm just so over everything" SnowPaw rambled hurriedly, her words tripping over eachother.

"Hey-hey I-uh take a deep breath" ColdPaw said trying to comfort SnowPaw who was bordering on a panic attack. He rubbed her back as she took long deep breaths slowly. Her backheaving with the effort.

"I-uh I was having second thoughts, negative dreams and wha-whatever too- your nu-not alone" he said taking a shaky breath, he couldn't panic as well. "The uh starry cats helped me though" he said.

At this SnowPaw's panic stopped and she turned to look at him, "the what?" She said looking at him. Oh Mousedung ColdPaw thought, he probably shouldn't have told her. This was a bad idea ,but he was already making a bunch of ideas. What was one more?

"The starry cats are like sp-spirts or wha-whatever, they aren't in sta-starclan and they uh help me" ColdPaw said giving a not shrug shrug. Cats couldn't shrug but it was the best way to describe it.

"Why can't the rest of us see them?" SnowPaw said her worry's forgotten for the oddity of the situation. Ghosts? Spirts? And ColdPaw could see them and hadn't told anyone? I mean now that SnowPaw thought, she hadn't told anyone about how she felt.

"I don't know, they've been kind of following me around though" ColdPaw said sheepishly. He looked at something that SnowPaw couldn't see and suddenly turned to her eyes wide with excitement?

"This is gonna be good" FirFur said flipping around with a grin on their face. They were always the chill one

Suddenly SnowPaw's pupil grew large, her eyes looked like shiny berries. ColdPaw turned and his eyes locked on a very confused looking CinnamonSwirl. "Who is that?!" SnowPaw whisper yelled to him in shock.

"Oh I'm CinnamonSwirl, I'm one of the "starry cats"  don't worry though I won't do anything"  CinnamonSwirl said reassuringly 

"You can see her?" ColdPaw asked excitedly. FirFur was right! It worked, the foolish plan had actually succeeded.  He was no longer alone in this! SnowPaw seemed to go through all the stages of grief in a matter of seconds before shaking her head and accepting it all.

"Y-yeah I can, uh wow" SnowPaw said breathlessly. She gave a small laugh for a second and then rubbed her eyes. I mean honestly her reaction could have been way worse, way, way worse...  

"So uh what now?" SnowPaw said looking around and than back to CinnamonSwirl.


NeedleHeart and HoneyBun were comfortable, blissfully unaware. Things finally were calm, the slight breeze made everything a nice middle ground of the temperature. Summer would be really hot, especially with all the sun light. 

Granted the kits seemed more adapted to it than NeedleHeart was. They had spent around half their life with the brightness and HoneyBun was not a clan cat. NeedleHeart was having whiplash from how bright everything way.

The pine forest had always blocked most of the light out, it had always been like that. The forest was kind of stuffy but cozy if NeedleHeart was honest. Maybe the cozy feeling was just because she had never felt anything else.

When xe had time she'd probably go into the forest and find some pine needles to make a nest. At some point she may stop doing that, but right now the trip was worth it. Despite the bitter nostalgia that poked xer like a thorn, she loved xer home.

Had xer home protected xer? No, it had abandoned xer. She'd felt all alone, she'd chased a hope rather than return to it. NeedleHeart wondered if they missed xer, she didn't know if they would ,but a small part of xer wished they would. 

Atleast she had Xer kits. They were all safe, she got to sit on a rock with HoneyBun and relax. There wasn't some anxiety looming over xer like back at SycamoreClan. No wars, granted the only wars were with PineClan.

PineClan was a recluse clan. The only other clan, they weren't well known to everyone in the clan. A lot of times they got generalized as "the rogues". It was easier to fight something that you couldn't connect with.


Omg I'm sorry for such a short chapter, I promise a longer chapter later. I'm pivoting into my other project so uh sorry

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