Chapter 2

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FrostKit- He/him

HailKit- they/them

SnowKit- she/her

ColdKit- he/him

BlizzardKit- they/she

IceKit- she/her


The Trees were thick and lush, many small ponds and berries grew. Nobody seemed to have set foot in this paradise in years. FrostKit perked up and gasped bounding over to something in the dark that the rest of them couldn't see.

SnowKit peered over the edge, it was a rocky cove with some soft bushes forming a wall. There were a few caves in the cove and a small pond with a minute little waterfall. The pond had a few fish in it.

"Hey uh-uhm before we uh do anything, can we *yawn* get some rest" ColdKit said meekly stifling a yawn mid sentence. "And maybe put our stuff down?" SnowKit agreed tiredly. ColdKit leaned against his sister tiredly.

HailKit rolled their eyes and they looked at FrostKit asking a silent question.What do you want to do? FrostKit paused for a second pondering before he turned and he mutely nodded and motioned to the others.

"Ugh fine I'll get some moss for us to sleep on" HailKit mewed walking off to get some. BlizzardKit watched them go and they walked over to the cove. They put down their basket in the corner.

It took a few minutes ,but HailKit came back with a mouthful of soft moss. "Mm back" HailKit said with a muffled voice. They dropped the moss down at their paws and they nudged it forward towards their siblings.

IceKit grabbed the moss pushed it into the corner and they laid down silently. ColdKit and SnowKit joined her snuggling close. BlizzardKit glanced at FrostKit for a second before she went to go lie down with the other three.

HailKit and FrostKit stood completely still for a second looking at each other like deer in the headlights of a monster. "I guess we should go to bed" they said dully to FrostKit blinking slowly. FrostKit nodded and he stiffly laid down.


The sun was rising, the world getting caked in the warm glow. The water reflecting the light as if it was skipping stones. The six kits all huddled together, their small forms heaving in and out as they in and exhaled.

FrostKit pushed himself up onto his paws, his eyes squinting as he adjusted to the light filtering in through the trees. He stretched his back and he continued out of the cove he had been sheltering in.

When he entered the middle of the clearing he made a full circle as he examined and took in everything he could see. His eyes voraciously observing everything he could see and feel.

He climbed out of the ditch and he began to explore his new home. The grass was soft and light, not thick and scraggly like the small amounts of grass in his old home Sycamore Clan. The smells was airy and sweet unlike the ruddy and musty smell of the piney forests.

FrostKit was about to turn back when he saw it. It was by a bigger stream that eventually became a pond, a wall of rocks and crisscross of trees protected this camp like place. It was bigger than the first place that FrostKit and his siblings had been staying at.

He looked up at the sky, the sun was reaching the middle of the sky. He should probably head back before his siblings got worried for him. He turned around and he ran back towards where they'd been staying.

"Oh my gosh there you are!" Yelled a frantic ColdKit who ran straight into him, nearly knocking him to the ground. SnowKit nuzzled him, she'd tied the bow around her neck somehow. HailKit rolled their eyes glancing at BlizzardKit sighed.

"See I told you he was fine" HailKit said walking over and flicking their ear. ColdKit's ears flattened for a second before they returned to normal and he exhaled his claws digging into the ground.

"Stop arguing, what did you find FrostKit? You seem like you found something" BlizzardKit called over looking at him quizzically. This spurred him back to action and he caught his breath

"Okay I found this really good camp spot, and I have a great idea for how we can set all of this up!" He said taking a breath and continuing "We sleep and set up the main area and this place can be where we put prisoners, sick cats, and others who we wouldn't want at the main camp!" FrostKit said.

HailKit perked up "That's a great idea! Let's get our stuff. I'll grab the moss" they said turning around and heading towards the cove. ColdKit sighed and grabbed his ToyMouse glancing at SnowKit who was looking dreamily around unaware.

IceKit tapped FrostKit on the back to show that she had her stuff with her. He smiled back at her and motioned with his head. BlizzardKit held their basket and they stood at attention waiting for FrostKit to say something.

"I got the moss" HailKit said with the fluffy green moss stuffed inside their mouth. FrostKit nodded picking up his stick. "Well then follow me!" He said puffing out his chest and trying to ignore the hunger gnawing at him.

They reached the rise and he pointed to the camp. SnowKit,ColdKit, and HailKit all gasped with stars in their eyes. BlizzardKit and IceKit were a lot more reserved, BlizzardKit did seem interested though.

HailKit leapt down to investigate, "wow this is cool!" They exclaimed. SnowKit giggled "hehe wow this place is awesome". HailKit swished their tail before they turned around "Hey how are we going to get food?"

FrostKit glanced away and then his eyes were drawn to the stream, "I think I have an idea". He walked towards the stream and he sat down. 1..... 2..... 3 *SPLASH* his paw smashed down into a fish holding it down. He grabbed it and snapped its neck in half.

"Oh my gosh" BlizzardKit said looking at him impressed. FrostKit handed the fish to HailKit and he turned back to fish for more. It took a lot of work to catch 5 more but he managed. IceKit took small bites out of the fish.

After all of them finished eating FrostKit brushed all the bones together. "Okay let's assign our roles now!" HailKit exclaimed pushing themself up and they puffed out their chest excitedly.

FrostKit inhaled "I'll be the leader!" and HailKit piped up "Oh can I be the deputy!" And FrostKit responded "sure". The other 4 seemed to be thinking about their possible roles.

BlizzardKit dully said "I can be the medicine cat, I know a tiny bit from our old medicine cats" rubbing her face slowly and flicking her tail. "My guess is that you three can be warriors" FrostKit said looking at SnowKit,IceKit, and ColdKit.

"Sure" SnowKit said holding her other arm. ColdKit nervously nodded along with IceKit.


Here's the second chapter, I hope you it barring the obvious inaccuracies because cats can't smile :3- jul 17 2024

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