Chapter 8

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NeedleHeart- she/xer

FrostPaw- He/him

HailPaw- they/them

SnowPaw- she/her

ColdPaw- he/him

BlizzardPaw- they/she

IcePaw- she/her

Honeybun- They/it

FirFur- they/them

BarkLeaf- he/him

CinnamonSwirl- she/her

OwlFeather- he/she


HailPaw looked at FrostPaw, they smirked at him and shoved him playfully. FrostPaw giggled and shoved them back. SnowPaw was the one showing NeedleHeart around, she stuck to NeedleHeart like moss to bark.

IcePaw was just out of HailPaw's sight, though they knew the she-cat was probably messing with her shiny rocks. HailPaw thought the shiny rocks were cool if a bit useless but IcePaw adored them so who was them to judge.

FrostPaw turned to the sunset, "We really made it, didn't we?" He said with a nostalgic tone, he seemed utterly satisfied. Calmer than he'd been as of late. His tail swaying ever so slightly, thumping into HailPaw. They didn't mind it though.

"Heh yeah..." HailPaw said in response going into a downward stretch. They smiled feeling the same sense of nostalgia hit them. Actually not hit them, it washed over them slowly. It was overwhelmingly Happy.

HailPaw hadn't felt this way in awhile, it was nice. They turned around and saw BlizzardPaw and ColdPaw talking about who knew what. Those two were a duo they'd never expected ,but cats could be surprising.

"Race you to the river!" FrostPaw said taking off and leaving HailPaw in the dust for a moment. "Bet I'll win!" He called back.

"Nu-uh!" HailPaw yelled running after him, they were going to kill that mousebrain. As soon as they caught up. Which judging from how far ahead FrostPaw was, might take awhile. Well whatever HailPaw could do it!

Powered by sheer willpower and spite they ran as fast as their legs could take them. The pain wasn't even registering, their only goal to beat their brother. He thought he could beat them, well he thought wrong!

They were gaining on him, he was inches away from them. Now they were side by side, FrostPaw clearly hadn't expected this though as in his shock he froze for a few seconds giving HailPaw time to get ahead... and AHA!

"Take that mousebrain!" HailPaw said pointing at FrostPaw. He was covered in dust from falling back and he made a fake wounded face and flopped down dramatically. This caused HailPaw to stifle a laugh.

"How could you~~~~~" FrostPaw said as he flipped himself over onto his stomach instead of his back. Causing HailPaw to laugh even harder. They loved their brother, he was so funny. They liked the cheerful moments they could spend together.

They hadn't had many happy moments during the last month, everyone was always tired or busy. They just had to keep trudging through everything, if they all worked together it could work out!


BlizzardPaw and ColdPaw were in the Medicine Den when BlizzardPaw suggested it, "you know we are our own clan, we could always split the role for one cat connected to starclan and one who heals" they said looking at him.

ColdPaw paused, he didn't believe his ears "Wait really? That would be great!". That was an option he'd never thought about. Why not? Who was here to judge or tell them they couldn't, that was the whole reason they left.

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