From sunshine to a cloudy day - pt 1? - Felix - 🤒🌡

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Contains vomiting


"Rise and shine everyone!" Bangchan says. Another day for Stray Kids to tackle. Today, they are practicing for their new comeback, so none of them want to be late for practice.

Everyone else quickly gets up from their beds and goes to the bathroom to brush their teeth. Everyone but Felix. Felix groans slightly and slowly sits up, rubbing his eyes.

"Chan-hyung, why so early?" He asked quietly. He realized his whole body ached from intense practice from the past few days. He slowly gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom to brush their teeth. As he was in there, he took a nearby thermometer and measured his temperature. 37.7, just a low fever. He was feeling sick-ish as he did his business. He went to his closet and changed into an outfit he usually wore for dance practices, making him feel a little uncomfortable. All Felix wanted to do was slide back into his bed and disappear, but he knew he shouldn't let the other members down when they are preparing for a comeback, a comeback for STAYS.

Felix slowly slumped into the kitchen, where they were serving breakfast. A small portion of soup was offered at his spot and he agreed to have some. He didn't have any appetite for eating but knew he had to, or else he will get super tired during the dance practice. Sipping his soup, Hyunjin realized how tired he looked.

"Are you ok? You look very tired," Hyunjin asked. The worried hyung was standing next to him and rubbing his back. Felix nodded slightly and managed to let "just a little" slip by in between sips of his soup.

On the car ride there, the members were all monitoring their practices from yesterday.

"Our spacing is off."

"Seungmin, you're a little late."

"Changbin, you need to move to the right a little."

Just as they were about to arrive, Felix almost fell asleep, suddenly jolting awake after banging his head on the seat in front of him.

"Felix?" The other Aussie asked. His hyung looked at him for a second, thinking he would hit his head on the seat again.

"He said he's tired," Hyunjin told the leader. Chan nodded and went back to monitoring.

                                                                                                  ***At the practice room, the members were all working hard on the new comeback, making sure each move was perfect. There was no room for mistakes as they were going to release the song and music video soon. Felix knew he was sick, and knew he was getting sicker and sicker by the second. Just as they were about to finish one of the rehearsals for the song, Felix felt it. He needed to hurl.

He quickly dodged the members moving to their positions and sprinted for the trash can. Just a few steps away he felt it coming out. His knees buckled and he was kneeling on the ground having his partially digested lunch come right back out the way it came in. The other members immediately sprinted toward Felix, gently rubbing his back and grabbing napkins.

Once he finished, he slightly inched back towards the center of the room and lied flat on his back.

"Felix why didn't you tell us you were sick?" Bangchan asked. He was both slightly angry and worried at the same time.

"I-" Before he could finish, Lee Know and Changbin helped him get up and took him to the couch where they cleaned him up. Minho was then ordered by Bangchan to take him back home to help him recover and check on his current condition.

"Hyung, I'm sorry,"

"Don't be," Chan replied. "Being sick is natural. Us too are humans. We aren't robots or machines that can go on forever and ever without taking a break."

Felix took Chan's advice and went back to the dorm with Minho.

At the dorm, Lee Know took Felix's temperature. 38 degrees. He was definitely having a fever. Minho walked over to the medicine cabinet and picked up a fever reducer. The icky purple liquid flowed out of the jar and into the tiny cup, then into Felix's mouth. Not long after taking the medicine, Felix almost immediately fell asleep.

A ring from Lee Know's phone came and he instantly picked up.

"Minho?" Chan asked

"Yeah hyung."

"How's the Aussie doing?"

"Better," Lee Know assured. "He took some fever reducer and fell asleep after."

"Good to know. Thanks for the update,"

"No problem hyung."

Minho hung up the phone and looked at Felix, knowing their sunshine turning into a thunderstorm wouldn't be the best for the group, especially right before a comeback.



Please give ideas! I'm desperate :P

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