Mistreated - Seungmin - 🩹🤕

386 11 3


Contains swearing


The members of the group were going to the practice room, as they were going to prepare for their new comeback. They all hopped in the van and left for the JYP building. They started warming up and getting ready once they got in the practice room.

"Um guys, I need to go to the restroom. I'll be back in a moment," Seungmin said. Chan nodded in approval and let him go. The rest of the group continued to warm up.

"Hyung, when will Seungmin be back?" the maknae asked. It had been a while since he left, but since the restroom was far from the room they were practicing in, Chan expected it to take a little longer than a few minutes but knew he would be back in under 5 minutes.

A few moments before the dance instructor walked in, Seungmin returned from the restroom. Just as he started warming up, the dance instructor entered the room.

"Hello," all the members said in unison.

"Hi," said the dance instructor. "I'm going to assume y'all warmed up right?"


"Ok," the dance instructor said. He casually waved off the fact that the vocalist just returned from the bathroom and hadn't warmed up his muscles.

The dance instructor started teaching the group the new moves at a fast pace, making it slightly hard for the vocalist to catch up.

"Hyung, what's after this?" He asked Hyunjin calmly.


"No talking! Focus," said the instructor. He looked toward Hyunjin and Seungmin, and the two instantly returned to their positions.

As practice continued, the instructor got angrier at Seungmin because he kept forgetting or messing up the steps. The fact that he was tired and didn't get a lot of sleep from the past few days wasn't helping at all.

"Do you even know what you're doing? Do it again right now!" the instructor said. He was losing his patience, as the other members already got the steps down.

Seungmin hung his head down and got up to start the dance. They had practiced for over 3 hours now and were all tired. He started the music and practiced the dance by himself as the instructor stared at him. The other members were taking a break, but were constantly eyeing the vocalist, worried that he might collapse from exhaustion. Just as he got to the dance break, there was a difficult move that the instructor had added at the last minute. Seungmin was the only one struggling to figure out how the move worked, but still gave it his best attempt. As he went for the hard move, he moved his ankle in a weird way, causing it to roll and for the vocalist to fall to the floor.

"Useless bitch," the instructor muttered. Chan being the protective leader he is, instantly ran up to the instructor.

"What did you just call Seungmin?" Chan screamed. Furious that the instructor just insulted his dongsaeng.

"Hyung it's fine," Seungmin said, as he tried to get over to Bang Chan and the instructor. But the pain in his foot was just too much to handle, causing him to fall down again. Tears instantly filled his eyes, and he took a glimpse at his already swollen and bruised ankle.

The other members split up, as Lee Know, Hyunjin, and I.N went to help Seungmin and Changbin, Han, and Felix went to stop Chan from killing the dance instructor.

The chaos continued as after several minutes their manager came in, shocked to see all the commotion. His eyes darted across the room, with one second staring at Chan wrestling the dance instructor and the other staring at Seungmin laying on the ground, visibly in pain.

A few more minutes passed by, and Changbin, Han, and Felix managed to seperate the instructor from Chan. The three thought it would be a good idea to have Felix and Chan take a walk around the building, but Chan insisted he go talk to to JYP and get the dance instructor fired. As the others tried to fight back, he instantly darted out the room, bringing his things with him. The other three chased after him, trying to find a way for him to calm down.

On the other hand, Lee Know, Hyunjin, and I.N were trying to help the vocalist to the couch. They helped him stand up and supported him on his way to the couch. The olders then instructed Jeongin to get some ice for the vocalist as they tried to explain to the manager the situation. Not long after they finished explaining, the maknae came back in the room with an ice pack in his hands and placed it on the vocalist's ankle. Seungmin winced at the feeling of the ice pack touching his skin(if thats how you would describe it), as the ice pack was way too cold for his liking. Lee Know then picked Seungmin up, and carried him to the car with their manager. The other two members followed him and went in the van, as the manager drived them to the nearest hospital.

-Time Skip-

After the visit, they returned back to their dorms. Turns out, Seungmin sprained his ankle. The doctors advised him to use crutches to stay off it and to avoid any physical activities for 3 weeks, as his ankle heals. Chan also ended up getting the dance instructor fired, and their manager cleared their schedules and postponed the comeback.



Sorry for the short ending. I got tired of writing this so I just wanted to get done with it. I might finish it and give it a better ending when I feel like it. I honestly feel stuck rn.

BTW remember to give suggestions! I'm out of ideas at the moment :(

Also my english isn't that good in terms of writing stuff so yeah

Also I suck at spelling so if there are any errors please help correct them.

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