Chapter 4

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Hot shot was woken up bright and early the next day. Because today was the day of his surgery. Hot shot got dressed and made sure to grab Roxy the rhino. He double checked with his parents to make sure they had everything. Then they got into the car and left. Hot shot was secure in his car seat. "I'm scared," Hot shot said.

"I know you are scared son," Heatwave said. "But this needs to be done to fix the problem with your heart," he said.

"Yes once it is fixed you will feel so much stronger once you recover," Quickshadow said.

"Will it hurt after surgery?' Hot shot asked.

"You will feel sore and tired after surgery," Quickshadow said. "You will also feel that way for a few weeks, but after six weeks the pain and tiredness should go away completely," she told him. "But if you are still feeling pain or feeling tired or feeling sick after six weeks you better tell me or daddy or both of us, so we can make an appointment with your cardiologist so you can get help," she said. "Your father and I will have to keep an eye on your incision to make sure it is healing properly," she said. "We need to check for redness, soreness, drainage that looks red, yellow, or white, because that could mean infection," she said. "We also have to make sure you don't have a fever during this time too," she said. "So we have to keep an eye on a lot of things," she said.

"Can I get back to playing once surgery is over?" Hot shot asked.

"Well Hot shot you are going to feel very sick, sore and tired for a several days, you won't feel like playing much," Quickshadow said. "Even as you start to feel better you will need to be careful, because for six weeks you need to protect you chest, you also have to be careful not to use the muscles of the area where your recent surgery is healing," she said. "So for six weeks it is best to take it easy," she told him. "For the first week after leaving the hospital we need to keep a very close eye on you and be on alert for any problems," she said. "Plus you won't feel like doing much for a while because you will be so tired and sore, it is a major surgery you are having," she said. "It will take some time before you feel like yourself again," she told him.

"Oh okay," Hot shot said. "Is being in the hospital boring? Is that why we brought those things for me to do?" he asked.

"Yes being in the hospital can be boring, that is why patients tend to bring things to do before going," Quickshadow said. "But this is a hospital for children where you are going," she said. "There will be things there to do," she said. "There are playrooms, places to make art, places to make music, gift shops, and places to eat," she said. "There is a lot to do," she said. "In children's hospital they want to make children feel safe, welcome and entertained," she said. "There will even be a TV in your hospital room," she said. "Your father and I will take turns spending time with you," she said.

"Yes and don't worry we will always come right back son," Heatwave said.

"Will Roxy be able to stay with me?" Hot shot asked.

"Yes Roxy can stay with you," Quickshadow said. "Toys such as stuffed animals are welcome in a hospital," she told him. "Many patients bring toys or blankets with them to give comfort during their hospital stay," she explained.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

Soon they made it to Texas children's hospital. The car was parked and they went inside. Then they made it were they were going to wait for their surgery. Hot shot was nervous and scared. Hot shot was holding on to Roxy the rhino tight. Hot shot saw his friends there waiting for their turn to be see by the doctor.

"Hot shot," the nurse said coming out. It was now Hot shot's turn and Hot shot was ready for it. Hot shot followed the nurse back as did his parents. Hot shot had all of his vitals checked by the nurse.

Then Hot shot met with the surgeon Dr. McKenzie to go over a few things about his surgery. "This is an operation we do many times," Dr. McKenzie said. "We are going to take great care of you Hot shot," he said.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

Hot shot then saw Dr. Hubbard. "Okay Hot shot you will be getting your sleeping medicine through a mask like this," Dr. Hubbard said showing him. "You can chose the smell we put inside your mask to make the medicine air smell nice," he said. "I have many different smells," he said. "I have cherry, I have apple, I have grape, I have orange, I have berry and I have bubblegum," he said.

"Berry," Hot shot said.

"Okay then," Dr. Hubbard said.

Hot shot got checked over and was now waiting for his turn. He soon saw a nurse come in and he was going to taken in for his heart surgery. Hot shot hugged his parents and kissed them. "We will see you when you wake up," Heatwave told him.

Hot shot was taken back into the OR and then was moved on to the bed in the OR. Hot shot saw Dr. McKenzie was there along with a couple of nurses, and Dr. Hubbard. Hot shot then had the mask put on his face. Hot shot began to take big breaths of the medicine air and was soon fast asleep. Hot shot was dreaming during that time. Hot shot was dreaming about playing with Fireplug his puppy. It was a very nice and dream. During that time Dr. McKenzie was fixing up Hot shot's heart. Then once it was repaired he made sure it was done correctly and then weaned the heart of by passed and then removed the machinery from the chest. Once that was down he closed up Hot shot's chest. Then Hot shot was taken to the CICU.

Once in the CICU Hot shot was hooked up to a lot of different machines by wires and had a lot of tubes sticking out of his body.

Heatwave and Quickshadow were waiting to be let in. They had been getting updates every hour about the surgery. They were glad that Hot shot was doing well and now out of surgery. Then after an hour they were let in.

They were so happy see Hot shot. "I am so happy the surgery went well," Quickshadow said.

"Yes that is a very good thing," Heatwave said. "I am glad he's okay," he said.

Hot shot started to wake up a couple of hours later. Hot shot was unsure of where he was at first. Hot shot heard beeping and saw he was covered in tubes and wires like his mother said he would be. He wanted to know where his mother and father were. He was starting to get scared.

"It's okay Hot shot don't be scared poppet," Quickshadow said.

Hot shot saw his mother and began to calm down. Hot shot couldn't talk at the moment due to a tube in his mouth. "The tube in your mouth is helping you breathe," Quickshadow said. "Don't worry the nurses will remove it sometime soon," she said. "Your surgery was a success and Dr. McKenzie said you did great," she said. "You are going to be fine now," she said. "You are going to be in the CICU for a few days," she said. "Then after that you will be taken to the cardiac inpatient floor," she said. "You will spend at least 4-6 more days there and then we can go home," she said. "You are going to be just fine," she said.

"There is our little champ," Heatwave said. "You are going to be just fine son," he said. "I am so proud of you," he said. "You are very brave," he said.

Hot shot then was checked on by a couple of nurses. Then Hot shot began to fall asleep again. "We will let him sleep the more he sleeps after surgery the better," the nurse said.

Hot shot's surgery was a success now he has to stay in the hospital for a while. But he is going to be strong for it and be ready to go home when the time comes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2024 ⏰

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