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today is the last day of summer break, it's been a long break but we all needed it and we definitely deserved it. today i'm meeting my friends but i have to be careful because well nobody knows  i'm friends with them and if anyone finds out then i'll be in a lot of trouble

i take a shower and get ready for the day and head downstairs to where my little niece emma was with my sister danielle, her boyfriend jamie and my mother rachel

"hey honey, you going somewhere?" my mother asked "i was just going out for a little" i responded "have you talked to your father recently?" my mother asked. weird question. "mother, it's been five years and he's moved on with his new family I think it's time you do too" i said in the nicest way possible "i know honey" my mother said as she walked off with her glass of wine

as i'm about to leave danielle stops me and makes me look at her "where are you going?" she asked "i'm just going out" i replied "with who?" she asked in a serious tone "just some people" i said trying to get away "you haven't spoken to father have you?" she asked as i just stopped "i'm gonna be late" i said

i finally leave and go to the place where i'm meeting my friends, when I get there all five boys were there waiting "finally she's here" zach said "yeah yeah i'm here" i said taking the bottle of vodka "woah what's up with you?" daniel asked "my mother" i said "asking about your father again?" corbyn asked as he took the bottle off me "when doesn't she" i said

after a few hours of talking, drinking and having a good time it was time for me to go home but there was one problem. i'm absolutely wasted.

"i'll take her home" corbyn said helping me up "bro you can't" jack said "well someone has to, she can't go home on her own like this" corbyn responded "hey she does have a name and she is right here" i said "and well nobody is home" i said leaning on corbyn's shoulder

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