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The West Wing was not the environment you had expected.
Instead, it was chaotic and distorted, with overturned furniture, broken frames and papers strewn across the floor.
Assigned to stand by him, your role differed from the others; you had been tasked with understanding the motivations behind the President's son's erratic behavior.

Jack Schlossberg stood, his demeanor fluctuated between agitation and calmness.
Jack initially avoided eye contact with you, his attention darting nervously around the room until he realized the other guards were keeping their distance.

Approaching you, he began pacing back and forth, his tall figure towered over you.
"Where is my phone?" he demanded abruptly.

You felt a flutter of nerves in your stomach as you met his gaze. His brunette hair was tousled, his white long-sleeve shirt unbuttoned and stained with wine, the smell of alcohol clinging to him. Despite how he had been acting, his muscular frame evident from the open shirt demanded attention from your ever so eager eyes.

"You do not have access to your cellular device," you responded calmly, maintaining composure. "The team needs to conduct a thorough check before you can have it back."

Jack burst into laughter at my choice of words. "Cellular device?" he repeated incredulously, chuckling. "What the fuck, man. Are you like fifty?"

You kept your expression neutral, resisting the urge to retort. It was crucial to handle him with patience.

He looked at you again, his laughter turned into a more serious expression. "I want my phone," he insisted firmly, his tone wanting no argument.

You met his gaze. "Jack, I understand you want your phone," you began, trying to appeal to his reason. "But right now, it's important that we ensure everything is secure. Once the team completes their checks, you'll have it back."
He frowned, clearly dissatisfied with your response. "I don't need this," he muttered, turning away in frustration.

As he paced restlessly,  you maintained a vigilant watch.
"What did they send you here for?" he scoffed as he turned abruptly towards the other guards, gesturing dismissively. "I have more than enough of them."

"I'm here to ensure everything runs smoothly," you responded evenly, choosing my words carefully. "Your safety and the security of this area are my priorities."

Jack smirked, "Would you look at that," he remarked, his tone slightly mocking. He ran a hand through his tousled hair, biting his lip briefly before continuing, "My safety matters to you, huh?"

You sighed, "Of course it does," you replied calmly, choosing my words carefully. "It's my job to ensure the security and well-being of everyone here, including you."

Jack's smirk widened as he leaned in closer. "You think you can handle me?" he challenged.
"I'm here to ensure that everything goes smoothly," you explained firmly. "Let's work together on this."
He studied you for a moment, as if thinking about your response and for a few moments there was silence.
"I don't need your protection," Jack finally muttered.
"And you know why I don't need your protection?" Jack continued as he spoke up louder, "You're just a hired hand. This is
just a job for you."

"A hired hand?" You repeated calmly, trying to keep the conversation on track.

"Like I said," Jack continued, his tone condescending with a faint smirk, "just a hired hand."

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