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As the night breeze grew progressively colder, you found comfort near these flower-covered walls of the front-garden, hoping for some form of shelter from the harsh wind. Leaning against the wall, you zipped up your jacket tightly over your dress, shivering as the chill settled into your bones.
You glanced at your phone; the Uber driver was listed as being not too far away.
Standing in the front garden, you scanned the street, watching every passing car with a certain
impatience, trying to figure out which one might be your Uber driver. You knew he had a while before he was supposed to arrive, but what if he came earlier? Traffic tended to ease up at this hour, so an early arrival wasn't out of the question.

You were the only person standing in the front garden. Occasionally, someone would walk past you on their way to their car.
Many cars were parked outside, but the front garden was big enough to fit them all without feeling crowded.

Inside the venue, the party was still in full swing, with chatter and music spilling out every time the door opened. Sometimes, the odd few people came out to smoke though, their breath forming clouds in the cold air.

You zipped your jacket tighter, trying to keep away the chill as you continued to watch for any sign of your ride. 
Socialising was the furthest thing from your mind. The evening had been long and draining, and you were beyond the point of polite conversation. Your only mission now was to get home. The thought of your warm bed and the quiet comfort of your own space was all that kept you going as you waited in the cold. You watched as a few more people drifted outside, laughing and shivering.

You heard the front door swing open again and the unmistakable sound of someone pouring a drink. With a sigh, you turned to see who it was and instantly regretted it.

"There you are!" Harriet called out, her accent was thick with bright cheer. She walked quickly to the garbage bin and tossed something in, waving at you with an energy that made you cringe. Her enthusiasm was overwhelming, especially after the long, draining evening you'd had.
Before you could react or even think of an excuse to avoid her, Harriet was already marching over. "Come here!" she commanded, her smile wide and insistent.

Reluctantly, you took a step toward her, feeling your heart sink with each step. You had hoped to avoid any more interactions tonight, but Harriet's enthusiasm left you no room to escape. She reached out and grabbed your arm, her grip firm and insistent.
"Let's go inside darling," she said, pulling you along. "There's so much I want to tell you!"

You glanced at Harriet's hand gripping your arm, the way she held on. You shifted uncomfortably and scratched the back of your neck with your free hand, trying to find the right words.
"I just called an Uber," you said flatly. You took a deep breath and sighed, trying to not show your growing frustration. "I'm waiting for it out here."

Harriet tightened on your arm slightly, and she looked at you concerned. "Oh, I didn't realize you were planning to leave so soon," she said, "The party's just getting started. You should stay a little longer."

"I really can't," you said with a resigned eye roll as you pulled your phone out of your pocket again and glanced at the screen. "He isn't that far away, Harriet," you said, trying to soften your tone.
"Congratulations to you and Theo, by the way, if I didn't already say that," you added nonchalantly.

Harriet looked at you with a mock-serious smile, her eyes sparkling with playful reproach. "Stop being so boring, Olivia!" she teased,"Did you at least enjoy the fireworks?"

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