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The entourage kept growing until he was completely surrounded by guards. At this point, you realized it was unlikely he'd turn around and notice you.

Ready to leave, you kept your phone on the Uber homepage while watching Theo deliver his speech.
Even though Harriet and  Theo weren't getting married, the speech dragged on endlessly. Initially you found it cute, the lovey-dovey stuff  became annoying though as soon as your social battery drained.

It was strange to see so many people guarding one person. You jokingly thought to yourself that they must ensure he only drank non-alcoholic beverages or the lowest percentages.
Being under such constant surveillance must be awful.

You understood why he needed so much security—he was the president's son, after all. But honestly, the likelihood of someone targeting him at an intimate engagement party was low. Everyone seemed to know each other, and anyway after Jack's entrance, people were excited for a few minutes before turning their attention back to Theo and Harriet's speech. Maybe they'd network with him later, maybe they wouldn't.

Not that you cared.

You didn't care about Jack at all. Whether he lived or died made no difference to you.

What did matter to you was the man Jack had brutally assaulted. That was where your concern lay. The poor guy had endured so much. Thankfully, the compensation was significant enough to ensure that he, his family, and future generations would be financially secure.
What an asshole, you thought. Jack had essentially received a get-out-of-jail-free card.

You  kept reminding yourself of everything you despised about Schlossberg. It made you not want to look at him, let alone be noticed by him.

You didn't care about him. Not in the slightest.



He had this weird smirk on his face as he spoke with others in a low, hushed voice. How rude, right? Theo and Harriet were trying to make a heartfelt speech, and here came Jack Schlossberg, drawing attention to himself. It was as if he couldn't stand not being the center of attention, even for a moment.

You caught yourself. Why were you being so mean? Maybe it wasn't entirely fair to blame him for the situation. Still, you couldn't help but feel irritated. You let out a sigh, glancing back up at Harriet and Theo, trying to refocus on their speech. But your patience was wearing thin, and your mind kept wandering.

You pulled out your phone, ready to book an Uber and make your exit. Yet, midway through the process, you hesitated. Maybe you should stay and say your goodbyes before leaving. Storming out didn't seem like the right move. It would be polite to at least acknowledge Harriet and Theo, who had gone through the effort of inviting you.

But then you wondered if Harriet even cared whether you stayed or left. A lot of things ran through your mind, and you realized how out of sorts you felt. Normally, you weren't this nervous or unsettled at social gatherings. But something about Schlossberg's presence threw you off balance.

You glanced back at Theo and Harriet once more, forcing a smile, and then back at your phone again. Maybe staying for a little while longer wouldn't hurt. Maybe it was best to wait until the right moment to make your exit. But deep down, you knew that as long as Jack Schlossberg was around, it would be difficult to feel at ease.

And it's not like Schlossberg had a hold on you, right? You weren't being delusional. You just knew things hadn't ended on the best note between you two.

You tried to brush it off.
He didn't control you or your emotions. You were here for Theo and Harriet, not for him. But the fact that he was even in your thoughts proved that some part of you was still affected by his words and actions.

It was infuriating.

Taking a deep breath, you decided to stay a bit longer, at least until the speech was over.

You didn't want to give Jack the satisfaction of thinking he could drive you away. You would say your goodbyes to Theo and Harriet properly. They deserved that much. And then you
would leave on your own terms, with your head held high.


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