Chapter 12

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The night had already descended upon them, when Marc announced it was time to return to the pack house. The trees that had been of a dark green when the group entered the forest for the third test, were now black, resembling dark spirits surrounding them. The day had been long and full of challenges and everyone was tired. The previous hours had caused their body to complain with every move they made, every breath they took, but the werewolves that remained in the clearing were proud of themselves. Proud for proving that they were strong and worthy to join the rank of warriors. Being a warrior was not an easy life. Between patrols and multiple meetings per week, they almost had no time to be with their family, at least when they were young. The oldest and more experience of them, like Matthew, were able to have a comfortable life, since they had already dedicated part of their life to the hard life of fighting the enemy. Those, were now part of the council, helping their Alpha with new strategies for the pack's safety. They could continue patrolling but not so often as when they were young.

The walk to the pack mansion would take, at least, fifteen minutes since they were deep into the forest. Marc and Luke lead the way through the dense green land. 

The Alpha, Kyle would congratulate them for passing the tests and welcome them to the new position, a position that received respect from all members of the pack and held great responsibility. A celebration would take place that night, where all pack would be present. Emily was anxious to tell Laura and her mother about her day and the tests. Her father, that had been with her all day, had promise to keep his mouth shut so she could be the one to tell her mother the good news. Matthew could sense his mate was restless. She was trying to break the wall he had put in his mind earlier. That alone, made his heart constrict. He didn't like to hide something from her, he couldn't even if he wanted to. That woman had the amazing ability to control his tongue, to make him talk and spit all that was in his mind and heart. 

Marc mind-linked Kyle to let him know that the tests were over and they had eight new members. He didn't mention Emily being one of them for two reasons. First he wanted her to know that Kyle was her mate and if he told Kyle, the guy would refuse to come outside while she was there. Second, he thought it was better to pretend that he didn't knew that Kyle wouldn't permit Emily to join the rank of warriors. She was good, had great potential and it wouldn't be fair if she wasn't aloud to join them just because she was their Luna. Kyle could be overprotective and Marc had no doubt he would do everything to keep Emily safe.

Marc and Luke were convinced that she deserved the place. She had all the qualities required. They were still in shock with the dominance she had shown.

When they approached the fields, Kyle was already there. He sensed Emily and looked at the group. He knew what that meant and he didn't like it one bit. He saw then Brandon, the boy she was so attached during her childhood. Million thoughts invaded his mind, making his wolf growl internally in irritation. Maybe she decided she wanted Brandon to be her mate and came to give him support. Maybe she came because she wanted to be a warrior. Each idea was worse than the other before. He became impatient to know why she was there, walking in his direction. In that moment, he forgot that she could sense him and find out that he was her mate, he forgot why he was there in the first place. 

Emily was exiting the forest when the most intoxicating and wonderful scent reached her nostrils. Her wolf became agitated and she looked around to identify the person, her mate. She knew it was him. Her mother had told her that the moment she caught his scent, she would feel as loosing control of her wolf, her body even. She looked around, trying to figure out where the scent was coming from. The strange thing was that it seemed to come from the middle of the field and she could only make out a single man there, her Alpha. Her heart jumped at the crazy idea that crossed her mind. He couldn't be, could he? 

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