Chapter 35

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They were running for about three hours when John made them a sign to stop.

"What is it?" Emily asked.

"We are close to their borders, we need to be careful." John replied, his eyes scanning the trees around them. Brandon came closer to Laura. She was the smallest of them all and he could sense her exhaustion, since she wasn't use to run as they were. Emily looked around her and smelled the air.

"Come, I think I smelt a bear near by." She said, turning left. They all looked at her as if she went crazy.

"Why do you need to find a bear?" Jake asked confused.

"We need to mask our scent so they will have more trouble finding us."
She replied, looking at the ground and smelling the air.

"And a bear will hug us or something?" Jake asked again.

"No, but his shit will help us."
She growled.

"Hell no! I won't put bear shit on my fur!"
Kris exclaimed horrified.

"Do you want to die quickly or do you want to have a chance of finding that man before being beheaded?" Emily growled again, her patience running thin.

"You are completely insane!!"
Kris replied shaking her head. Brandon growled in warning to that comment.

"Show some respect! She is our Luna!"

"I know, but she is my friend too and I have to tell her when she is crazy!"

"That's enough guys! Kris, I don't like having my fur with shit but if that can save our lives so be it! We have to move quick and we need to move now! Kyle knows by now that I'm missing and you too as well. I didn't come here to quit now. Let's go!" Emily said running in the direction of the wild beast.

It wasn't so hard to find the creature and to find his gross present for nature. Seen so many wolves, the bear, which wasn't so big, ran away. It took some time for all of them being covered by the awful smell.

"What now?" Kris said trying hard not to puke.

"Now we attack."

Meanwhile Kyle and Marc had returned to their pack, followed by Robert and some of his best warriors.
Luke was ready with the cars they had for emergencies. Usually they traveled in wolf form, but they knew that now they would take too much time to reach the group that had escaped. They needed to go fast if they wanted to catch them before they could do something stupid. All werewolves entered the cars and started heading north, in the direction of the Dark Moon territory.

"I wish I had brought shampoo with me." Kris complained, while following the others.

"Would you shut up? I'm covered in shit and the last thing I want to hear right now is your stupid thoughts."
Jake growled irritated with her.

The sound of a twist branch caught Emily's attention and she stopped, crushing her body to the ground.
"Silence! I heard something."

"Maybe is just a bird." John said, looking around.

"It's not. I can smell a wolf."
Brandon said, imitating Emily's position, so he could be ready to attack whoever it was hidden behind the trees.

They waited some minutes in silence, all too scare to move and being killed. They heard some movement before a old wolf appeared. He was grey and he was limping from his back leg. He moved closer but not to close. Emily sniffed the air catching and memorizing the scent of the stranger. She let out a small growl in warning. The older wolf stopped and laid on the ground showing his belly. That was a sign of submission, one that nobody in the group was expecting. Emily approach the wolf cautiously, trying to see something that could indicate that he was lying. She saw none, so she touched the old one with her nose, indicating that he could get up. The wolf obeyed immediately.

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