Chapter 28

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It took less than a few minutes to spot Jake and Brandon talking near the compound where the unmated wolves lived. Emily walked in their direction with resolve but it soon cracked when she heard Marc and Luke calling them to have some words with the group.

"Listen up, Warriors. We have a new wolf in our pack and he will join us today for the practice." Marc said, pointing to one blonde male with brown eyes. He wasn't tall but he wasn't short either. To be precise, he had the same height as Emily.

She looked at him for some moments. He smelled like a rogue and Emily was positive that she had encountered him before.

The attack... He was one of the rogues that attacked us in the forest.
Her wolf said in her head. She tensed for some moments, prepare to defend herself, but the guy seemed more interested on his feet than on jumping at people present at the field to claw them to death.

She relaxed slightly, noticing that Marc was still talking.
"His name is John and you have to treat him as one of us." He turned to John and whispered something to him. The boy nodded quickly, his face turning pale. From what Emily knew of Marc, he had just threatened the poor wolf. Marc was known to be a tough male, one that wouldn't hesitate to snap the neck of a possible threat. Emily didn't know why they spare John's life, but internally she was happy. Now she could talk with him and find more about the man that had send him here.

As always, they formed groups and started to fight. First in human form and after in wolf form. When the time of fighting John's wolf came, he lowered his head in submission before the fight. A way to beg forgiveness. Emily took some minutes to react. Then, she gave him a slight nod, indicating that she now saw him as a pack member and not the enemy.

John could fight well, with a fearless that Emily hadn't seen in the young wolves of her pack. He won her respect then. She managed to bite him multiple times, but his weight and strength, send her in the end to the ground.
Emily didn't notice she was bleeding from her right paw, till John started licked it. The male wanted to help, but he was stopped when Kyle showed up from nowhere and pulled him from her. He growled angrily at the pup, making him trembled. John's brown wolf laid on the ground, not daring to got up for fear of what the Alpha could to to him.

The others around the field stopped sparing to look at the scene.

"Kyle, he was just trying to help me. It's no big deal..."
Emily intervened.

"I know, but I don't like when other males touch you like that. It's my responsibility, not theirs!" He said irritated.

Emily grabbed Kyle's hand and squeezed it.

"Are yo Ok?" He asked, searching her body for some injuries.

"Yes. I'm fine." She responded annoyed with such concern. He was exaggerating things, like he saw her as a damn damsel in distress when she was anything but that. She didn't want to be the weak mate and Luna, but the stronger one, for her, for him and for the pack.

Kyle was ready to pick Emily up bridal style, when she read through his intentions and shook her head.

"Kyle, I don't need to go home. I need to stay and train."

He hesitated for some seconds, maybe pondering if she had lost her mind and was completely crazy. His face softened and a small smile appeared on his face.

"I understand Emily. See you at dinner."

Emily was about to reply, when she remembered something.

"Kyle... While you are in your office working, don't babysit me at the same time... I can handle myself."

"I wasn't..." He was about to deny it, but the look she gave him made him shut up.

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